Musings | #1

What if the Sun Refused to Shine?

“Perhaps, you are not aware of the fact that you are someone’s sun.”

Jesica Caroline
4 min readJun 1, 2024
Photo by Patrick on Unsplash

Something happened to me on a lazy Saturday morning.
I went to my bathroom to clean myself up from my intrusive, unmotivated, and just super-duper lazy thoughts.
Was thinking that if I cleaned my body, somehow it would also clear my thoughts.

In the bathroom, I started singing lyrics from one of Ariana Grande’s songs, “Intro”. A new song from her newest album.

When I hit the chorus,
“If the sun refused to shine”
I started to think more seriously out of the blue:
“What if the sun refused to shine?”

Isn’t it scary to even think about it? What if that truly happens for real?
Then, that thought went further.
I was trying to find anything that can be used to motivate me or someone else too from that lyrics.

Human beings, animals, plants, and every matter that I cannot mention one by one here, in this mother earth, we cannot be separated from the sun. We cannot survive and live without the sun.

All of them will face death as a result.
We are all getting killed if that ever happened.
We die. We will no longer exist.

It came to my realization that:

A single existence has a big influence and has such a crucial role in others’ lives.
Just like the sun’s existence in our lives is crucial, now, how about we hold a thought that each of us is someone’s sun?

Our existence is that important, just like what my realization can think of.
Perhaps, you are not aware of this fact.
The fact that you are someone’s sun.
You never realize that the small thing you do may have a tremendous effect on someone’s life.

A little compliment you gave to someone about their hair looking good on that day. You did not know that they had been feeling insecure and hated their hair. Until you came and told them. Not in a sarcastic way but sincerely you told them so. You make them notice the beautiful thing they own they did not realize it before.

Or perhaps, just a very very little thing you did to someone you barely know? You gave them your beautiful smile that makes them feel that they are worthy of that smile.

Perhaps, you make them want to live again.
You will never know a single little act of kindness you do may save a single life.
You make them realize that their existence in this world is needed.

Everything you do and say, it does have an impact.
Big or small.
Good or bad.
Positive or negative.

Did you ever say to yourself that nobody cares about you and that you are unworthy? What was the reason until you said it to yourself?
And then,
You are here, refusing to shine.
You refuse to keep shining.

As we look up at the sky, we can see the sun always shines, no matter what.
Indeed, some things prevent her from shining for us.
For instance, the dark clouds are one of the things that prevent it.
Yet, she is still hanging there in the sky above after all.
Did not we know that?

For she knows, she has to keep hanging there for everything and everyone that needs her.
For she knows that the love she gives through her existence by giving her shine will never be wasted.
For she knows, it is not her time to stop shining yet.

And guess what?
The things that used to hinder her from giving her shine to us, leave and go. Yes, they will pass.

Writing this down on my laptop, it is like I am giving some advice to myself.
But anyway, would you do me a favor?
Would you please, starting from now, perceive and consider yourself as a sun?
And also, to not give up when those black clouds try to hinder you?
Would you still hang there and believe that whatever rough situations you face will pass?

We know that humans are supposed to live with others since they are social beings.

I believe we do not live for ourselves.
Your existence matters to someone else.
We live for each other.


To become someone’s sun is to love them.
And to love someone is to become their sun.
Love them sincerely.

Let us shower everyone with all the love we have until every space within their hearts is filled with nothing but love.

Thank you for reading!

With Love,
Jesica ❤

