How To Add $1K or $10K In Income To Your Online Business

In Less Than An Hour and with very little work

Jeseed Lifestyle
4 min readFeb 5, 2024

Let’s get straight down to it..

To add a few thousand dollars of profit to your online business in less than an hour you can do two things:

  1. Provide more value (and charge accordingly)
  2. Offer something to your audience that has a high perceived value and a high-ticket price

The strategy I’m about to share does BOTH these things.

I’m talking about making a simple decision and then taking an hour to put an offer in place that can be life-changing.

This is it:

Add a personal coaching option to your business.

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

When I did this I’d been stuck around the $3k a month income level and I couldn’t break through it.

When I added a personal coaching option for my customers, existing subscribers and to all new subscribers who came onto my list it blew me past $3k almost instantly.

It was pretty much an afterthought kind of offer, albeit priced higher than anything I’d priced before (still only around $1,000 although that seemed like a lot to me back then) because I liked the idea of working on a one to one basis with a couple of people.

I’m not even sure where the idea came from — I just wanted to see what would happen.

And I wasn’t prepared for the Push that followed!

It hadn’t occurred to me to tell my list there were only three slots available when I emailed for the offer, simply because I hadn’t expected more than two people at MOST to take up my offer.

But I got the shock of my life when I checked my bank account later that day to find $10,000 had already arrived!

Don’t get me wrong, it was very welcome but I won’t lie to you — I really panicked and rushed to close the offer so I had time to work with all the new clients.

But that ‘Push’ took me to a new level.

I’ve never gone back — which is another characteristic of making a radical change like this.

Once you attain a new level you rarely drop back to where you were before.

And there’s never been a year since when I haven’t had coaching client on some level, from $1,000 email coaching to $12,000 VIP clients.

And here’s another characteristic of this strategy:


55 minutes! That’s HOW FAST IT IS.

Of course I’d been waiting for that breakthrough for years!

But when it happened it was fast!

But as singer Prince said:

‘Sometimes it takes years for a person to become an overnight success!’

It took me YEARS to go from making just a few thousand dollars a month to suddenly exploding through the five figures a month barrier.

I’d been plodding at the same income level for years, yet when I realized what I needed to do, and put this strategy into action it happened in the time it took me to design and send out an offer.

From making a basic sales page and mailing that coaching offer to being in a position where I knew I could make five figures a month for the rest of my life took just 55 minutes.

And YOU can do the exact same!

You can increase your income by thousands by simply adding a personal coaching option into your business.

You can set the barrier wherever you wish.

Even if you don’t have a lot of experience there will always be people who know less than you, and that you can help, nurture, work with and encourage with your coaching.

You don’t need to create any products.

All you need is a simple sales page and a way to take payment.

You can build that in 20 minutes.

Yes it might feel like a big step in terms of confidence.

But once you’ve worked with one client you’ll never look back, I promise.

Listen up — there’s nothing noble in struggling for years like I did, before realizing I could multiply my income five-fold by just adding a personal coaching option.

It was STUPID and I wished I’d worked it out after two weeks. Not two bloody years.

And I’ll tell you right now — If I’d known how to do this, I’d have done it faster than beans through a cowboy.

Add a high-ticket personal coaching option and watch what that does to your online income.



Jeseed Lifestyle

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