Tell me about dreams

Jes Kerzen
2 min readDec 30, 2022

Who doesn’t want to understand dreams better?

It was the perfect subject for one of my telepathy sessions with Asher. I’d had a vivid dream the night before. Asher had appeared in it as a young child. I’d been childminding him, as I often did in life. The setting, though, and some of the events were strange and unfamiliar, so I asked him to share what he could tell me from his vantage point in The Realms.

Jes: I’m not sure where dreams fit in the spacetime vs. non-local continuum.

Asher: Dreams are on the very edge — the narrow bridge between 3D life and beyond. By dreaming, humans are allowed some access to the other domain, to see that there are realities that vary from our usual familiar experiences.

Jes: Right. You were distinct in my dream but there were other people who were blurred or somewhat detached from what was happening.

Asher: Leaving an emotional void for you to fill.

Jes: OK. That makes sense. It was a big house. It felt familiar in the dream, but not a place I’ve been to in life.

Asher: Rooms appear as needed in a dream house. They fill psychological needs in the dream.

Jes: Some weird things were happening. So often in dreams the events don’t make much sense.

Asher: Remember it is…



Jes Kerzen

Find me at Writer, educator and learner with a strong interest in telepathy and alternative methods of communicating and sharing knowledge.