Securing AWS Infrastructure Deployment with Terraform and IAM Guidelines (part 2/3)

Configuring and Running a Local Terraform Setup with IAM Access Keys

5 min readApr 23, 2024
Photo by Ross Sneddon on Unsplash

To execute Terraform from a local machine using your AWS permissions, it’s crucial to understand the essential practices and how it works. This understanding will enable you to apply your knowledge to any Terraform workflow environments that are suitable for your team’s processes.


  • Introduce you to the concept of Infrastructure as Code (IaC).
  • Provide an overview of Terraform.
  • Share essential hands-on practices for Terraform local machine execution.


  • Concept of IaC.
  • What is Terraform?
  • Overview of the Infrastructure Discussed in This Blog Post.
  • Install Terraform.
  • Construct AWS Infrastructure.
  • Implement Defined Infrastructures.
  • Make Changes.
  • Clean Up.

Concept of IaC

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) enables the provisioning and management of cloud infrastructures through coding rather than relying on a graphical user interface. It’s considered a best practice for managing infrastructure because manually creating infrastructure using a UI is prone to errors. By using IaC, we can reuse, share, and collaborate with others, and we have the ability to review changes before deploying, updating, editing, or destroying infrastructure.

What is Terraform?

Terraform, developed by HashiCorp, is an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool that enables you to provision infrastructures across multiple cloud providers. Its key features include:

  • Human-readable configuration language: Terraform utilizes a configuration language that is easy for humans to read and write, facilitating efficient infrastructure management.
  • Terraform state: This feature allows you to track changes to your resources throughout the deployment process, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  • Version control integration: Terraform seamlessly integrates with version control systems, enabling collaboration among team members and providing a structured approach to managing infrastructure changes.

Overview of the Infrastructure Discussed in This Blog Post

Infrastructure of this tutorial

Install Terraform

For my case, I use Homebrew on macOS.

  • First, install the HashiCorp tap, which is a repository of all Hashicorp Homebrew packages.
brew tap hashicorp/tap
  • Install Terraform
brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform
  • Verify the installation. If your installation is complete, you will see Terraform’s available subcommands after typing this command.
terraform -help

Construct AWS Infrastructure

I will use this repository to construct infrastructures.

Now, it’s time to start defining your infrastructure as a code. Consider this file, which consists of several parts that you need to consider.


Code Block Explanation

  • terraform

Is for settings of Terraform. Terraform installs provider from Terraform Registry by default, in this case we define source that using hashicorp/aws shorthand for

  • provider

A plugin which Terraform use to create and manage your cloud resources.

  • resources

Define resources in your cloud, there are 2 strings before the block: “resource type” and “resource name”. e.g. resource “aws_instance” “web_server” resource type is “aws instance” and resource name is “web_server”.


  • variables

In file, we can avoid hard-coded by define the variable in this file using variable block that start with variable name . In this example I define “instance_name” then use it in aws_instance on

tags = {
Name = var.instance_name

Note: Terraform loads all file that ending with .tf on the current directory, so your can name your .tf file that store variables however you choose.

  • Output

This is a configuration about what to present to Terraform user when apply is complete. Consider my , whenever apply is complete, it will display output section in terminal which contain defined resources in output e.g. for this case it will display information of instance_id and instance_public_ip.

Displaying output when executing Terraform successfully.

Note: This is just an example. Exposing instance_id, instance_public_ip, instance_arn , instance_ami or any credentials is not recommended unless the exposed value is intended to be public.

Recommend VSCODE Extension for auto complete

  • HashiCorp Terraform

Implement Defined Infrastructures

To review your changes before applying to see what will happen use this cli.

terraform plan
Resources that will be created.

Start applying your resources by this command, then type yes to confirm.

terraform apply
Result of executing apply cli.

Now, you can review your created AWS infrastructures using management console.

After apply changes, there will be .tfstate file which contain information of your resource in the cloud, included credentials in it, so be careful how to store this file in the safe place.

Make Changes

Try to switch your instance AMI from ami-0910e4162f162c238 to ami-0293d5edd542189e4. When you enter a Terraform command, such as apply or plan, Terraform reads your .tfstate file to detect drift between your changes. It will then apply modifications only to the affected resources. In this scenario, it will delete the existing instance and then create a new instance with the updated AMI.

Clean Up

When you no longer need the created resources, you should terminate them to avoid charges from AWS.

terraform destroy 

Terraform will inform you which resources will be terminated, then type yes to confirm.

Result of executing destroy cli.

Thank you for reading! Your feedback is valuable to me. Please feel free to leave comments, I appreciate any suggestions for improving my blog.

In the final part, I will provide some guidelines for working with production environments. I will use Terraform Cloud integrated with a GitHub repository. Additionally, I will demonstrate which values should be kept confidential, where to store them, and how to access them safely.

If you’re all set, let’s get started.




Ex-Mechanical Engineer, now a Software Engineer. Passionate about cloud and software development. Blogging to document and share my projects.