Three Books to Help You Make Money and Find Financial Freedom

Jess Fonseca
3 min readOct 20, 2023

If you’re like me, you’re done with the days of the old 9-to-5 life and ready to bring in the financial freedom.

Photo by luisevy27photos

But when it comes down to it, it’s hard to rewire the way you’ve always thought about earning money. After all, the only formula for success has always been go to college, get a good job, and keep it forever…right?

We all know the answer to that question.

There isn’t a single soul in the world who still wants to die in the job they got hired to do at 23 years old, and even less people think college debt is still a good idea.

So where do you even start to learn how to get out of the rat race and on to a new career path?

Here are three books that helped me change the way I thought about making money, working, and finding a profitable purpose.

The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy

cover image on Amazon

Hardy has been sharing Sullivan’s ideas about business and personal growth for years, but The Gap and the Gain is different. Together the two talk about how unsuccessful people focus on “the gap” (what they still don’t have) and successful people focus on “the gain” (how far they’ve come).

If you want a cold splash of reality about how you think sent your way…this book will do it.

Skip the Line by James Altucher

cover image from Amazon

If you’re one of those people that has an insane amount of interests but feels like you can never pursue them because it isn’t what you “went to school for,” Skip the Line is EXACTLY the book you need to read.

Altucher talks about how he follows his passions (even if they don’t work), uses super easy experiments to test ideas, and has mastered the art of the career shift. This book is a 10/10 for motivating you to take the leap into what you want to do.

LinkedIn Sales Machine by Raza Imam

cover image from Amazon

This is a short, to the point, easy to read (or listen to) book all about how to use LinkedIn to bring in million dollar leads, connections, and income fast. LinkedIn Sales Machine provides actionable, easy to do, steps anyone with a LinkedIn profile can follow.

Warning, some of the tech in the book is outdated, but the ideas are still worth the quick time investment.

Wrapping it Up

There are so many books out there that can help you reimagine how to earn money and start a business. So if these don’t seem like your jam, I highly recommend diving in to any money mindset book that does.

And if you don’t have the time to sit down and read a ton of books, give Audible a try! I “read” more books driving around in my car then I could ever dream to read in a chair.

If you haven’t tried Audible before, I have a free gift for you. You can use this link to sign up for your free 30 Day trial on Audible today. Seriously, no strings attached!

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Jess Fonseca

Writer, Author, Self Improvement Explorer, & Digital Marketing expert. I write about books I love, writing, and ways to make money online.