What Is Your Body Really Saying to You?

Metaphysical causes of body pains and ailments

Jess B.
3 min readNov 11, 2022
Wooden model doll

Just the other day as I was taking a walk on a new trail I recently found, I felt a sharp pain in my foot. Did you know that physical ailments are just a manifestation of what your subconscious mind is signaling to your body? Our bodies are divine masterpieces to say the very least about what they are capable of doing for us. I’m here to give you a different perspective on your body.

The human body is like a map that can be unfolded many times, in many different ways, and from many different angles. Metaphysics tells us that the left side of our body is our feminine side. It is the side of the body where we are receptive and also the side associated with our mother. Louise Hay breaks down several bits of metaphysical anatomy and different ailments that our bodies may experience in her book, “You Can Heal Your Life”. (You Can Heal Your Life, 1984)

Which Side of Your Body Is Crying Out to You and What Could That Mean?

The pain that I mentioned experiencing happened on the left side of my body. One aspect of pain on the left side of the body is a reminder to bask in the femininity of your being and become more receptive to your environment. All beings, male and female have both…



Jess B.

"Astrologer and writer weaving cosmic insights with practical wisdom. Contact me for writing inquiries at jessbthecreator@gmail.com."