Jesse Ferguson
5 min readNov 4, 2017


We were shocked to learn the news that Donna Brazile actively considered overturning the will of the Democratic voters by attempting to replace Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine as the Democratic Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees. It is particularly troubling and puzzling that she would seemingly buy into false Russian-fueled propaganda, spread by both the Russians and our opponent, about our candidate’s health.

Donna came in to take over the DNC at a very difficult time. We were grateful to her for doing so. She is a longtime friend and colleague of many of us and has been an important leader in our party. But we do not recognize the campaign she portrays in the book.

The 2016 presidential campaign was unlike any in our history. It was very difficult for our candidates and our staff. We are very proud that throughout the campaign and the aftermath the staff stuck together, worked as a team, and did the best we could for both Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine. We did this for the simple reason that we thought Hillary Clinton would make the best President for the country we all love. We have now, as we did throughout the campaign, enormous love and pride for our candidate, Hillary Clinton. She, more than any of us, persevered through an incredibly difficult campaign and her commitment and stamina inspired us every day. We are very proud of the effort she and the campaign made in both the primary and the general election.

The general election loss was devastating for us all and something we live with every day. And while frustrating that the general election vote total did not change the outcome of the election, we remain proud that Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine received nearly 3 million more votes in the general election than their opponents.

Finally, we are pretty tired of people who were not part of our campaign telling the world what it was like to be on the inside of our campaign and how we felt about it. We loved our candidate and each other and it remains our honor to have been part of the effort to make Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States.

All Democrats should be doing everything they can — canvassing, phone banking, etc. — to help our candidates for Governor of Virginia and New Jersey and the other races around the country next Tuesday.


Huma Abedin
Lily Adams
Emily Aden
Jon Adrabi
Vaeme Afokpa
Brittany Albaugh
Melody Alemansour
Cristóbal Alex
Nellwyn Alexandra Thomas
Kirsten Allen
Varun Anand
Katy Ann Searcy
Meg Ansara
John Anzalone
Noah Arbit
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Olivia Baackes
Douglas Back
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Olivia Barket
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Misha Battiste
Patrick Bauer
Juan Bautista Dominguez
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Emmy Bengston
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Alessandra Biaggi
Michael Billotti
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Tanya Bjork
David Blumenthal
Peter Bondi
Eli Bovarnick
Brooks Brasfield
Michael Brasher
Nora Brickner
Emily Bromberg
Austin Brown
Ryan Brown
Izzy Bugatti
Ashley Burns
Iran Campana
Angelique Cannon
Rachel Cantor
Melissa Cantrell
Glen Caplin
Yahel Carmon
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Rebecca Chalif
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Jacky Chang
Dennis Cheng
Stephanie Cheng
Oliver Chinyere
Corey Ciorciari
Megan Clasen
Bernard Coleman
Matt Compton
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Brynne Craig
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Sierra Lindsey Kos
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Mike Smith
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Marcus Switzer
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Julie Zuckerbrod



Jesse Ferguson

Democratic Strategist; Frm Deputy National Press Secretary & Sr Spokesperson @ HFA; Frm Deputy Exec Director & IE Director at the DCCC;