An Alternative to Multiculturalism

Jesse Bogner
5 min readMar 10, 2017


The reason Americans become terrorists is not because Muslims are not accepted in America. They are loved and accepted, by and large, even when they support sharia law. The reason Muslims become terrorists, is because of the left’s and neoliberalism’s adherence to cultural values of the left. Both forces, which were once on opposite party lines created a climate of forced multiculturalism that divides people.

Rather than build communal values, multiculturalism highlights the differences between cultures. If you can’t figure out how this is not racist, I’m also at a loss for words. Love of country is not taught, but blind acceptance of all cultures is the rule of thumb. Judging the merits of these cultures is viewed as xenophobia, even when these cultures are in direct opposition to American liberal values.

Society is thus splintered in more and more subcultures each day. It’s actually a systemic ideological system the left has built. As someone who is almost finished with a Master’s in Education, I began noticing the state exams were testing adherence to multicultural ideology more than knowledge or ability.

Never mind its adverse effect on education, without a national identity, or shared values, everyone becomes more individualistic and less capable of accepting each other. When people are isolated from one another life no longer has any deeper meaning. Some people find this meaning in Muslim extremism.

When patriotism is associated with racism (in reality what falls under racism in the left’s view is often classism, which leftists are too racist to process) and free speech is monitored by brown-shirt social justice warriors (it took a few back and forths for one Soros community organizer to pull out the bigot card when I said the travel ban wasn’t a Muslim ban and was not a big deal), we impugn on the shared values of liberalism and create a climate of distrust and hatred. Never mind the consumer culture feeding the desire for individuality, just barely keeping the economy cranking. George Soros should be protested for what he’s paying once reasonable, well-educated young people to say.

In one definition of the alt-right, Clinton’s election team writes, “This is not conservatism or the Republican Party. This is a movement that fosters anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, anti-multiculturalism, and anti-women rhetoric. This is a white supremacist movement, and one that Trump has not only refused to denounce — it’s one he actively courts.” Lumping multiculturalism with the other three horrific stances (the impact of which the left greatly exaggerates) creates a strong dividing line.

If it weren’t for the tactics I’ve seen countless times, I would say this is a coincidence, but it’s not. If you do not accept that multiculturalism is the proper way to address systemic racism, or don’t believe systemic racism is as a big of a problem as the left portrays it, you are a white supremacist. Disagree with a Democratic ideology to a trained adherent, if you want to be invalidated by being called “racist, fascist, anti-Gay,” or whatever else. Do it a few times and you are branded a White Supremacist. Watch political theorist, Charles Murray, who has never said anything remotely racist (his theories on race in relation to IQ have mostly been disproven, but he was trying to measure data, not make racist overtures) try giving a speech at Middlebury last week.

My distaste for multiculturalism has nothing to do with race obviously. The way multiculturalism is taught in schools, is in direct opposition to a concept equally if not more important than diversity called shared values. In France, every student follows a uniform curriculum through secondary school. While if most educators in American public schools were presented with such an idea, they would have a seizure, I don’t see the inherent problem with creating a common basis of knowledge between people, to instill the communal values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

This could only work if the quality of the schools wouldn’t vary so much to create a more equal playing field. This will never happen, because the millionaires in Congress across party lines don’t want to take any advantages away from their own children, or the children of their donors. Rather than face this injustice by addressing the inequity of the school-system, reading stories about kids of the same ethnicity and skin color is meant to fix the broken education system.

Liberalism breeds unearned moral superiority, which is just awful. The spawn of Upper Middle Class and Upper Class white people are taught to fight phantom racists, which are really just people who disagree with them. I have seen countless liberals on facebook mourning the implementation of a school voucher program. I didn’t see anyone protest this when Corey Booker advocated for the same thing with Chris Christie.

While I don’t see vouchers as a wholesale fix for the inequality of education, I do think it’s a necessary step in letting some people break out of poverty cycles. When Harvard is actively looking to give low income students of exceptional talent free education and can’t find them we have a problem. A more rigorous, anti-multiculturalist curriculum may solve this. Vouchers will definitely do this for some. Eric Eisner, my friend’s father, has worked to help low-income prodigies, by offering opportunities only available to the wealthy and the results are promising. So please liberals, feel free to call me a racist for wanting to help people, in ways the victim oppressor ideology of multiculturalism has failed them.

Jesse Bogner is a twenty nine year old author, screenwriter and journalist. His memoir and social critique, The Egotist, has been translated into four languages. In 2013, he moved from New York City, where he was born and raised, abandoning a decadent lifestyle chockfull of substance abuse, to study Kabbalah in Israel. His work has been featured in The Huffington Post, The Jerusalem Post and The Times of Israel. He has been featured in misleading articles from media outlets including CNN, Wired Magazine and others. He is currently writing a novel.

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Jesse Bogner

Jesse is an author and journalist. His memoir and social critique, The Egotist, has been translated into four languages.