Part Summaries of “The Last Answer”

Immorten Jess
3 min readJun 6, 2024


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Part 1

The narrator, a teenage boy named Eli from a small Texas town, discovers a mysterious portal and becomes obsessed with uncovering its secrets. Unable to sleep for three days, he sneaks out at night and journeys through the dark desert to reach two tall boulders guarding a portal. Despite fears of unknown dangers, Eli musters the courage to step into the gap between the boulders, hoping to find answers from an enigmatic “she” and escape the predictability of his life. The first part ends with Eli stepping into the unknown.

Part 2

Eli enters the portal and experiences a surreal transformation. His body becomes lines of color, merging with an infinite surface. A mysterious female voice communicates with his, conjuring a house filled with enigmatic symbols. As Eli explores, the warmth and light begin to fade. Desperate to reconnect with the voice, Eli is shattered by a tidal wave of light. He finds himself in a dark void, riding a wooden rowboat guided by a red beacon. Passing through a stone arch, Eli faces his inevitable end, only to be reborn and returned to the familiar desert landscape.

Part 3

Eli returns home at dawn to find his mother sitting on his bed, seemingly distressed. Despite Eli’s attempts to act casually and explain his absence, his mother leaves the room without saying much, leaving Eli guilty and concerned about her well-being. As Eli tries to sleep, he struggles to make sense of his experience in the portal, clinging to a vague memory of completeness. He considers confiding in his friend Karl but hesitates, unsure if he can trust him. Overwhelmed by converging thoughts, Eli eventually succumbs to sleep, finding temporary respite from the waking world.

Part 4

Weeks after his experience at the portal, Eli visits his friend, Karl, hoping to find relief from his sleepless nights and guilt over keeping the discovery a secret. At Karl’s house, surrounded by an eclectic collection of items, Eli struggles to articulate his experiences, finding his once-vivid memories elusive. Karl listens patiently, seemingly unsurprised by the fantastic tale. When Eli expresses his fear and uncertainty about the portal, Karl encourages him, suggesting there is nothing to fear. Bolstered by Karl’s recognition and support, Eli shares more details of his discovery.

Part 5

As Eli continues recounting his experience at the portal to Karl, he struggles with the weight of unanswered questions and the realization that his newfound escape from monotony has become a source of distress. Karl listens intently, his expression revealing a depth of understanding that unnerves Eli. He describes stepping between the stones and encountering a reflection of his father, who points to a golden woman approaching. When he touches her hand, she rapidly ages and turns to ash. Eli admits to being consumed by thoughts of the golden woman and the portal, seeking Karl’s guidance on what to do next. Karl acknowledges Eli’s longing for the mysterious woman.

Part 6

Eli leaves Karl’s house, puzzled by his cryptic warning; “Life must be lived in sequence.” Midge confronts Eli about his recent disappearances and their mother’s concerning behavior. As they search for their mother, Eli realizes he is subconsciously heading towards the portal. Midge grows increasingly frustrated with Eli’s evasiveness about his knowledge of the situation. They eventually spot their mother sitting atop a ridge, facing the horizon and the two large stones below. Eli suspects she has discovered the portal but cannot voice his concerns to Midge as a sense of dread overcomes him.

Part 7

Eli and Midge watch their mother from afar, noticing her unusual happiness. A tall, mysterious man appears and kisses her, shocking the siblings. Eli rushes towards them, leaving Midge behind. Before he can reach them, his mother and the stranger enter a portal between two boulders. Feeling guilty, Eli returns to Midge. They argue briefly about him leaving her behind but reconcile, agreeing to face challenges together from now on. Despite their fears and uncertainty, the siblings decide to enter the portal to find their mother. Holding hands, they approach the void-like entrance. As an icy breeze swirls around them, Eli and Midge step into the darkness of the portal.

