Powerful Insights to Navigating Relationships

5 perspectives that will make all the difference

Jesse Nieman
6 min readFeb 13, 2018
Image by Andrew Ly on Unsplash

I am truly blessed.

I have incredible people around me who have encouraged and supported me throughout my life.

I can honestly say that I would not be where I am today without the people I have met along the way. I actually mean that.

I also know this is not a reality that everyone has been fortunate enough to live in.

But, I do believe there are some principles we can take hold of to strengthen the relationships we already have, and to increase the depth-potential of the relationships we will make in the future.

As I have met, grown closer to, and grown distant from people throughout my life, here are some things that have made all the difference.

If you live out these principles and perspectives, I promise you will experience greater success in your relationships.

It’s 100–100, NOT 50–50.

Image by rawpixel.com on Unsplash

If you learn one thing from this post, let it be this.



Jesse Nieman

Web designer and developer | Technical Sales Lead @ Finsweet | Webflow Global Leader