Production DOES NOT equal productivity.

How this mental switch changed my life, and practical tips to do the same.

Jesse Nieman
5 min readFeb 4, 2018

Do you have people in your life that spark your creativity and seem to pull your best ideas out of you? For me, one of those guys is my friend, Luke. We try to meet up weekly and talk about life and toss ideas at each other.

A couple weeks ago we started talking about time and how we use it. More specifically, how we can make the most of it. Luke showed me how he broke down his daily habits and how much of a commitment he made to each of them.

This conversation sparked an urge in me to break down everything I did on a daily basis and find how much time I committed to each thing. I sat down after our conversation that day and plastered my life into an Excel sheet.

Two hours later I found something special.

I mapped out every activity I committed to and how much time I devoted to each activity by hour. I was then able to see how many hours (on average) I spent each day, month, and year, on each specific activity.

Here’s an example:

On average, I spent about 2 hours (total) eating each day. If this trend is continued over a year, I will have spent 730 hours, or about 30 days worth of time just eating…



Jesse Nieman

Web designer and developer | Technical Sales Lead @ Finsweet | Webflow Global Leader