Your perception of progress will change your future. Here’s why:

Jesse Nieman
3 min readJan 13, 2018
Photo by Jesse Nieman

The pace of life has drastically picked up in recent generations. Shortened attention spans and a continued search for the next best thing are marks of people in today’s tech-driven society.

The progress of technology is by no means a bad thing, as it contibutes to the advancement of society, but it has brought some challenges for people.

One of these is our perception of progress.

Progress today is rapid. Businesses are started, new apps are launched, cures for diseases are found, new science is discovered, and revolutionary technologies seem to be invented by the multitudes every single day.

This truly is an amazing time to be alive.

Despite this, too many people struggle every day — including myself — with the comparison game.

It is so easy to look at the world around us that is developing faster than we can keep up, and settle with the fact that we are not growing ourselves, but it does not have to be this way.

Your perception of progress will change your future.

Imagine you have been given the task to sit and watch a tree grow. It has just been planted and you are excited to see what will come out of that tiny sprout.



Jesse Nieman

Web designer and developer | Technical Sales Lead @ Finsweet | Webflow Global Leader