Builder’s progress report – and a new name!

Jesse ++
2 min readJul 10, 2018


Hi everyone!! If you saw my prior announcement about building rendezvous and are wondering how it’s going, I’ve got a few quick updates:

I’ve been heads-down, researching, prototyping, designing, and building the app formerly known as rendezvous (more on that below)! I’m still doing everything myself, but of course making sure to keep reasonable hours and balance building with the rest of my life so that I don’t burn out the precious creative energy I need.

After finishing a first round of research, I am now heavily focused on designing and building. I’ve also started alpha testing with a small group so that I can try out each iteration of my designs with real people. There’s still a healthy backlog of features to be built, but the app is inching closer to a viable beta release each week! I’ll be keeping most of the details about the app under wraps until then…

But in the meantime, I’m proud to announce a new name…

Part of the fun of building a new company is not quite having everything figured out up front 😄

When I decided to announce I was building something new, I was smack dab in the middle of doing my naming exercise. rendezvous was the best I had come up with so far, and I decided to pull the trigger and just go with it because it felt more important to get my message out when the timing was right than to wait for the perfect name and miss the moment.

But now that I’ve been building and getting a clearer idea of my vision, I felt I needed to revisit the naming exercise and come up with something that fits my direction. I came out of that exercise with a great new name and, having done my due diligence, I’m proud to announce that rendezvous has become… frequency.

I think when you get a chance to use the app, you’ll see why!

Check us out at, and sign up for updates on when you can get access to frequency!



Jesse ++

Engineer. Aspiring Entrepreneur. Building a better social network: