Flash Fiction: A Love Affair

J.L. Labbe
3 min readJul 10, 2023


My favorite thing to do with writing is to make people feel. Happiness, sadness, anger, all of it. And my favorite way to do that is through flash fiction. It’s fun, effective, and I get to start with the best bits of a story!

Flash fiction is a powerful literary form that has recently gained popularity in the world of social media and shorter attention spans. Unlike novels, flash fiction focuses on telling a story in a very short amount of space, typically less than 1,000 words. This brevity allows for a level of concision and precision that is difficult to achieve in longer works. By stripping away excess detail and focusing on the most essential elements of a story, flash fiction can often have a more profound impact on readers than a longer piece.

Flash fiction also allows for greater experimentation with form and structure, as writers are free to play with traditional narrative conventions and explore new ways of telling stories.

And one of my favorite reasons why flash fiction can have more of an impact than a novel is that it often leaves more to the reader’s imagination. Because flash fiction is so short, writers must rely on implication and suggestion to create a complete story. This allows readers to fill in the gaps with their own experiences and interpretations, making the story more personal and resonant.

And finally, because flash fiction is often focused on a single moment or event, it can capture the raw emotional intensity of a situation in a way that a longer work might not be able to. By distilling a story down to its most essential elements, flash fiction can create a powerful and unforgettable reading experience.

Here are six reasons why you should be reading and writing flash fiction:

  1. Emotion: Flash fiction often packs an emotional punch in a short amount of time. With limited space, the writer must choose their words carefully to create a powerful emotional impact.
  2. Conciseness: Flash fiction requires the writer to be extremely concise, often forcing them to eliminate unnecessary words and phrases. This results in a story that is tightly constructed and impactful.
  3. Creativity: Flash fiction requires creativity and innovation to develop a compelling story within a limited space. This often leads to unique and memorable stories.
  4. Challenge: Writing flash fiction is a challenging task that requires a great deal of skill and practice. The challenge of writing within such strict constraints can be rewarding and fulfilling.
  5. Pace: The brevity of flash fiction allows for a quick pace that can keep readers engaged from beginning to end. This is particularly effective when combined with a strong narrative hook.
  6. Accessibility: Flash fiction is accessible to readers with limited time or attention spans. It can be easily consumed on a lunch break or during a commute, making it a great option for busy readers.

