How To Shift From Your Analytical Mind And Into Your Intuitive Senses

Jessica LaMarre
5 min readSep 28, 2022


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Many of us have been conditioned to only honor what some call the left brain. The left brain has been referred to as the logical brain, the analytical one, and the one that plans everything out, including our conversation three days from now. While research has shown that we utilize both parts of our brain for these functions for all intents and purposes of this article we will refer to the qualities of logical, analytical as the left brain.

From a very young age, our parents, society, and culture (aka culturescape — seem image below) conditioned that the logical, analytical brain is more important than what some call the right brain; the emotional, intuitive, creative side. And if you’re anything like me, I spent 15 years in technology, you know that analytical brains are highly utilized and regarded.

From Vishen Lakhiani’s Book The Code of the Extra Ordinary Mind

In spending my whole life focused on what society and culture taught me was important — logical — I lost connection to the intuitive and creative side of me. The part of me that brings forth emotional intelligence, storytelling, and art.

Instead, I found myself constantly thinking, analyzing, working, and trying to come up with a response before the question or comment even left the mouth of the person across from me.

Until I learned how to listen genuinely. Allowing my intuition and intuitive abilities to flow through easily.

What is intuition?

From the insight from the book Reclaim Your Self:

“Intuition is…

  • Often heard in stillness when we relax, let go, and are present in the moment (we are not thinking about the past or the future, just the current moment)
  • Like a whisper — kind, loving, and supportive
  • Understanding and forgiving — always
  • May not be based on reason; you know
  • May be less verbal and just more of a feeling
  • “Aha” moments
  • Information may come in faster than you can make it up
  • It may not be what you want to hear, but it comes from a place of love like, “He is not the best for you.” At your core, you know this; you may not want to admit it or hear it, but your Self, your Soul, knows.

Intuition does not:

  • Control, judge, or manipulate
  • Criticize you or act demanding
  • Shout or put you down
  • Focus on the analytical or feel inauthentic
  • Guilt or shame you or make you feel bad.”

Forgetting the Gift:

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift. And the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society. That honors the servant. And has forgotten the gift.”

- Albert Einstein.

Honoring the analytical mind and forgetting the intuitive sense is what many of us see within society and ourselves. Hence, the overthinking and overdoing. So while the analytical mind is essential, let’s learn how to cultivate our intuition.

In 2017, I started my journey back to my soul, to who I am. Which entailed releasing the expectations of who everybody else wanted me to be, who socity conditioned me to be, who I was supposed to be, and who the world expected to be. And instead, be who I am.

One of the most significant ways I started to come back to my intuition was through meditation. There’s a connection between the left and right brain called the corpus callosum. Over time with meditate, the corpus callosum becomes denser. Increasing our ability to tap into the analytical and intuition mind to allow creation to flow easier.

Relationships: Sometimes, we get caught up in the logical mind in relationships. With he said, she said, or he did, she did. However, we can learn to shift into the intuitive mind, slowing down, relaxing, breathing, and coming up with a creative, emotionally intelligent solutions to conflict. To do this requires courage and reflection. It takes deep self-reflection to help heal our relationships and make them more generous, compassionate, and loving. Regardless of the relationship, work, family, friends, acquaintances, or the grocery store clerk. We all cross paths for a reason. What are you meant to learn from your current relationships?

Career: The leaders of 2030 are great coaches. They have emotional intelligence, and are creative and compassionate. These qualitites come from the intuitive side. As leadership qualities, we need to embrace them in our career. We can use this in meetings; instead of trying to come up with an idea or be prepared to have an idea. We can sit back and truly listen, then allow the creation to flow. You’re not allowing the flow to happen when we’re continuously thinking. — The flow of intuition, the flow of the imagination, the flow of creation. — When we are stuck in our logical minds, inspiration struggles to flow through. And so, it’s a balance, a balance between the analytical and intuitive parts.

So how do you get started? There are many ways to start your journey back to your intuition, back to your Self.

1) Meditation — You don’t need anything to meditate, but if you want to guided meditations, there are thousands on YouTube. In the beginning, I was always worried I was doing it wrong. My analytical mind would come in — I wasn’t sitting right, holding my hands correctly, I wasn’t breathing right, I was thinking. However, I’ve learned in years of meditation that there’s no wrong way. So now I just sit however I feel comfortable, intending to meditate, and in seconds my mind and body are relaxed. Set your intention to breathe in a relaxed position for one to two minutes a day and watch your life start to transform.

2) Self-reflections — The Universe is a mirror — the difficult relationships, the struggles at work, and the challenges you face in life are all a call for help from within. So next time, instead of judging or blaming someone else or yourself, get curious — what are you meant to learn from this experience?

3) Want both meditation and self-reflection? Then, join the Friday Inspire, Uplift, and Empower Soul Community calls. It’s a great way to learn how to tap into your intuitive abilities.

If you want to feel freer, have better relationships and a career more aligned with your soul. Then it’s imperative to become more of who you are. We become more of ourselves through healing and letting go of all the limiting and false beliefs we picked up from the culturescape on this journey that isn’t ours. Enjoy becoming more You!



Jessica LaMarre

Jessica LaMarre: Author, speaker, intuitive guide & founder of Love Personal Growth®. Empowers women to embrace their soul's call with authenticity