Jessica Mendoza
2 min readJan 29, 2018


Soccer- by USAG- Humphreys licensed under CC BY 2.0

Participation has plummeted for number of children being enrolled in youth sports recently. People spectate it could be due to the shocking results of CTE studies and the serious dangers of traumatic head injuries. Others think children are only captivated by technology; staying inside and staring at an iPad. Here are six reasons why you need to enroll you child in one of next season’s activities…

1. Great Venues

Fishing at Sheldon Lake, City Park, Fort Collins, Colorado By Paul L Dineen is licensed under CC BY 2.0

When else do children really go outside to play anymore without being stripped of all electronic devices? Most youth sports get the kiddos outside where they can relieve stress. Fort Collins offers so much to see, learning opportunities are endless, and the parks, schools and indoor courts/gyms are well taken care of.

2. Room for Exercise

Do you ever think your kid has too much energy? Do they bug the crap out of you after a long day of work? Sports will get them running, jumping and crawling while having fun, so when the coach returns them back to you your job is just that much easier.

3. Social Skills

Not only will you get to see your child make new friends on the field or court that could become lifelong friends, but they also learn how to work together with others to achieve a team goal.

4. Community Involvement

Youth flag football begins by Staff Sgt. Thomas Trower under CC BY 2.0

Fort Collins is an amazing city with amazing people. By enrolling your child you also enroll yourself as a parent which will automatically get you involved with other parents and coaches and it’s great to get to know those living in your community.

5. So Many Choices

It’s okay if you are not comfortable with your child playing football. The city of Fort Collins also offers basketball, cheer leading, cross country/track, softball, tennis, volleyball, wrestling, and even more!

6. Easy Enrollment

Look here it is! Click here to sign up all your kiddos today! You are sure to find a place and time that works around your busy schedule.

