“I love Highland Park.” I’ve heard you say…

Jessica Ceballos
3 min readSep 16, 2015


“I love Highland Park.” I’ve heard you say more than once. But I know you haven’t visited Figueroa Street in some time. And if you have, perhaps it was to catch a quick poetry reading at the very awesome Book Show, maybe watch a Dodger game at the Greyhound, or maybe you had to take Rusty in for shots at the Highland Park Animal Hospital. Well I hope Rusty’s okay. And I hope you didn’t forget to grab bird food for that parakeet you found while hiking at Debs Park, because the Bird Man Pet Shop closed a while ago. As did so many other stores you might remember.

And everyday I wonder, where did they go. Where did they all go.

You’ve probably heard about that tenant lady, the one who kicks business owners out of their spaces in search of more profitable income for the building owners who hire her.

The retenater retenantor retenantsaurus rex lady.

Nicole Deflorian
Commercial Real Estate Agent
Clint Lukens Realty
4427 Santa Monica Blvd Los Ángeles, CA 90029
(323) 668–7500

Looks like she’s been pretty busy lately. And she can’t do all of this work by herself. In her world, like our world, it takes a village.

And where do they all go, the ones who decide to leave, and the ones who are forced out. death. divorce. retirement. forced retirement [eviction]. evictions. the last I heard from one of them was, one year ago, “Our business is doing fine. We’re managing. the change is good.” That was told to me in English, but still translated to his forced retirement this past February.

But since you haven’t visited the north side of the two/three block area of Figueroa Street in a while, I thought I’d show you some photos. The process of change. Radical, quick, just-do-it kind of change.

The kind that makes America proud.

