The Stats

A study from Nielsen showed that viewers rate ads with music, more creative, informative, memorable and emotive compared to those without. So, before I go into “how to find music” for your branded content, let’s prove that music matters in advertising and marketing.

If you’re in advertising, you already know the power of music. If you’re a human, you probably already know the power of music. While you might not know why music matters this much, you’re validated in your feeling. 500 out of the 600 adverts that Neilsen tested for effectiveness include music. Their research proved that ads with some form of music perform better than others across the most important key metrics. Take a look:

How To Use Music In Your Content

In brief (because you don’t have all the time in the world), music can serve in many positions. Here are some of my favorite:

  • In an Instagram video
  • In your brand’s Instagram or Snapchat story
  • In any of your paid or organic promotional videos on socials
  • Make a video file out of…



Jessica Frech Knowles

Lead UX Designer turned founder | Building Bloom to support alternative medical seekers and providers | Former musician