Easy Feedback Token — your feedback moves the world

Jessica Kate
4 min readOct 8, 2019


Organizations energize feedback since it’s a vital device to accomplish greatness and improve deals and notoriety also. More assets and channels are utilized to gather feedback, such include face to face, by telephone, talks, informing applications, web structures, gatherings, messages, interpersonal organization, among numerous others. These channels should serve to:

🔗 Tune in by focusing on recommendations, feelings, and grumblings of clients.

🔗 React quickly as clients would prefer not to withstand long pauses.

🔗 Offer arrangements as all the above are not helpful if at last organizations can’t react.

🔗 The individuals dealing with the client care channels ought to have quality preparing and be equipped for dealing with the instruments that they use.

Difficulties with feedback for organizations.

🔗 For the most part, it’s the absence of assets.

🔗 The other is out of line grumblings by clients who just need to harm their notoriety and ruin the human and financial exertion of the organization.

🔗 Absence of inward control to bring together and investigations the data got through client feedback to change over it into open doors for expanding deals for the organization.

Difficulties with feedback for shoppers.

🔗 The absence of access to these client care channels on the organization’s part.

🔗 The absence of arrangements in these client care channels on the organization’s part. There’s no sympathy from the channel leaving the shoppers disappointed and defenseless.

The arrangement that simple feedback offers to the general market.

Easy feedback suggests that an organization’s first need ought to give clients a chance to have contact with the organization the executives when cutting edge workers or client assistance bomb before they select to utilize different channels and furthermore before they move to the challenge without saying why. Easy feedback is a definitive answer for organizations that require:

🔗 Effectively tune in to clients to stay away from new negative remarks on the web, evade protest structures, quiet dismisses, distinguish clients who aren’t fulfilled and respond continuously at the exact second that the disappointment is imparted.

🔗 Oversee and help improve the fulfillment of clients in each cooperation with the brand and at the purposes of offer.

🔗 To control and improve the nature of consideration clients get from representatives.

🔗 Obtain new clients by making trust with the “Care Greatness” authentication, separating itself from the challenge and fortifying its image notoriety.

Answers for the customer.

🔗 In only a couple of steps, they compose a proper report and send their supposition with Simple feedback structures that are adjusted to the beneficiary organization’s part and the kind of message they need to send.

🔗 The objections go to the executives, administrators, or proprietors straightforwardly.

🔗 Their feelings aren’t promoted yet sent secretly.

🔗 The stage is a confided in go-between that checks to send of client feedback to the business.

🔗 There is client fulfillment all through.

🔗 Its helpful 24 hours every day, 7 days per week.

🔗 The beneficiary’s organization’s location is anything but difficult to discover because of the stage’s joining with Google.

🔗 There are potential prizes for their product recommendations to organizations

🔗 There’s the ability to spare the customized archive in word or pdf design.

🔗 The stage instructs sending with respect to productive proposals.

🔗 The client doesn’t feel awkward or took a gander at for requesting a grumbling structure.

🔗 The buyers get the chance to control the majority of their grumblings, congrats, proposals, and inquiries with different organizations on a solitary page.

🔗 There are explicit archive models relying upon the kind of message to be sent.


Organizations will have the option to make their client care increasingly open, through the easy feedback stage clients will have the option to spare time during their feedback reacting exercises through offering their feedbacks in a single channel, Easy Feedback will divert the objections to the official organizations where it will have the option to screen and document feedbacks. As clients, we will have the option to be ensured that our feedbacks have arrived at the organizations, and we will have the option to get reactions, this framework will improve straightforwardness and spot trust between organizations their clients. I trust Easy Feedback unified feedback accumulations are significant and will make it simpler for the operational procedures of feedback accumulations, checking, and recording.

Organizations utilize the feedback got from their believed clients as an extraordinary listening channel and furthermore acquire the stage’s “Endorsement in Consideration Greatness.” Organizations that utilization easy feedback likewise have both disconnected and online instruments accessible to support and manage their client’s feedback. There more than requirements an arrangement of feedback accumulation and examination that being’s believability and great sense to the market.

Official assets of the task:

🔗 Website: https://www.easyfeedbacktoken.io/en/
🔗 Whitepaper: https://www.easyfeedbacktoken.io/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Easy_Feedback_Token_EFT_WhitePaper_en.pdf
🔗 Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/EasyFeedbackToken/
🔗 Twitter: https://twitter.com/easyfeedback

Writer's details

Bitcointalk username ; jessickate

Bitcointalk profile link ; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2671225;

