Mimosa Pudica

A poem

Jess L
1 min readMar 30, 2023
'Photo by Wallace Fonseca on Unsplash

Shy little plant, don’t be afraid
Your beauty is not to be betrayed
Preserving in all climates with grace
Mimosa Pudica, stand tall in your place

With your leaves that fold and close
You protect yourself from harm and foes
But when the danger is gone and past
Your leaves unfold, revealing beauty that lasts

Your delicate pink and fluffy blooms
Are a sight to behold, a joy to consume
Your sweet fragrance fills the air
A gentle reminder that beauty is rare

Mimosa Pudica, you’re more than just shy
You’re a symbol of resilience that can’t be denied
You thrive in harsh conditions and weather
And your stems only grows stronger and better

So stand tall, dear Mimosa Pudica
Your existence is a gift, a precious treasure
May we all learn from your strength and grace
And preserve your vibrant hues in every single space.

— Jess L 💫



Jess L

A creative poet with a gentle soul 🦋, crafting words that evoke emotions and inspire imagination.