Level Up Your Gains: How My Smart Food Scale Helped Me Crush My Macros!

Jessica Miller
3 min readApr 3, 2024


Discover how a smart food scale transformed a fitness enthusiast’s approach to nutrition, revolutionizing macro-tracking and enhancing results. Dive into the benefits, personal anecdotes, and expert insights in this informative blog.

A Lady measuring Orange nutrition on Smart Food Scale that measures oranges

I’m a total gym rat, always pushing myself to build muscle and get stronger. We all know that nutrition is just as important as exercise for achieving fitness goals, but let’s be honest, tracking macros can be a real struggle.

For those unfamiliar with the term, macros is short for macronutrients, the three main categories of nutrients our bodies need in large amounts: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Tracking macros allows you to consume these nutrients in specific ratios depending on your fitness goals.

Tracking macros ensures you’re providing your body with the right building blocks to achieve your desired results. For example, building muscle mass requires sufficient protein intake, while weight loss often involves a calorie deficit achieved through balanced macro-tracking.

Did you know 80% of dieters underestimate their portion sizes?

For the longest time, I eyeballed portions and used generic serving sizes, but guess what? My progress plateaued. No matter how hard I hit the weights, the results just weren’t there. It was frustrating to put in all that effort and not see the gains I craved.

That’s when I discovered the game-changer: the smart food scale! This little powerhouse not only weighs your food accurately, but it also helps you track your macros with ease. Basically, it acts like a tiny nutritional wizard, taking the guesswork out of portion control.

Let me tell you, using a macro tracker has been a total game-changer for my fitness journey. In the past, eyeballing portions often led to overeating or under-fueling my body. Now, the scale gives me precise measurements, ensuring I hit my protein goals, stay within my calorie limits, and finally see those gains come rolling in!

Here’s a taste of how my smart food scale has helped me crush my macros:

· Accuracy is King: No more guesswork! The scale provides down-to-the-gram measurements, ensuring I consume exactly the amount of food I need to reach my goals.

· Macro Tracking Made Easy: The scale syncs with a user-friendly app that automatically tracks my macros based on the weight of my food. No more confusing spreadsheets or endless calculations!

· Fine-Tuning My Diet: The data from the scale has helped me identify areas where my diet could be improved. For instance, I discovered I wasn’t hitting my protein intake consistently. Now, I can adjust my meals accordingly.

· Results Don’t Lie: Since using the NextLevel Fit Smart kitchen scale, I’ve seen a noticeable difference in my physique. My muscle mass has increased, and I feel stronger in the gym.

Checkout my review of Smart Kitchen Scale


But wait, there’s more! Beyond macro tracking, a smart kitchen scale offers a treasure trove of benefits:

· Portion Control Awareness: The scale visually shows me how much food a certain amount actually is, making me more mindful about portion sizes.

· Mindful Eating Habits: By focusing on weighing and logging my food, I’m more present when I eat, leading to healthier practices overall.

· Staying Accountable: Having a record of my food intake keeps me accountable and motivated to stay on track with my goals.

Is a Smart Food Scale Right for You?

This little gadget might be your new best friend if you’re:

· A fitness enthusiast serious about achieving specific goals (muscle building, weight loss, etc.)

· Someone with specific dietary needs (e.g., following a macro plan, managing allergies)

Let’s be real: a smart food scale might not be for everyone. But if you’re ready to take your fitness journey to the next level and see real results, it’s definitely worth considering.

Remember, achieving your fitness goals is all about consistency and precision. A smart nutrition scale can be your secret weapon for accurate macro-tracking, portion control, and building healthy eating habits.

Ready to experience the power of a smart food scale for yourself? Check out the NextLevel Fit Smart Kitchen Scale-it might just be the key to unlocking your full fitness potential!

Do Let me know which one you use for macro tracking.

