Seven things I would tell my former self about freelance writing

Jessica Freeborn
6 min readSep 28, 2022
Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash

Okay, I don’t pretend to be an expert in freelance writing. I’m not. There’s lots of clickbait about how to make more money writing. But here’s the hard truth. Writing is like so many other jobs in that you have to invest and work hard before you start to see a profit. That’s the downside.

The other side to it is that writing is incredible. I love what I do, and I’m happy that I have the opportunity to do it. There’s something about creating stories, making beauty and order out of chaos, that’s satisfying.

The writer life might be difficult to navigate, but opportunities for writers abound. It is possible to make a living as a writer, but it requires a lot of discipline and a hint of talent. If you’re a new freelance writer, these are the tips I would share with my former self, and I hope you will find them helpful as well.

1​. Your niche actually does matter

A​s a brand new freelance writer, I was eager to learn everything I could about how to do it right. So, naturally, I found myself on YouTube watching videos from successful freelance writers. The first thing every video tells you is to pick your niche. Where are you going to focus your writing efforts?

