5 min readJun 5, 2017


Brian Magierski

Injustices affect men and women all around the world on the daily. Issues of injustice have such a significant impact on today’s world that is insane. One problem can lead to another. Big or small can cause an issue, which can lead to a more major problem. Something so small can cause a serious matter that will affect actions of many people. There are three major issues of injustice that compel us to act today.

First and foremost, one of the many issues of injustices that compel us to act today is gender inequality. Gender equality is the equality between men and women which allow for equal opportunities for both sexes. Because both genders should have equal opportunities, rights, and fair treatment, this it does not mean that men and women should be the same. To start off, the wage gap is one way that shows gender inequality. As stated by the OECD data “The gender wage gap is unadjusted and is defined as the difference between median earnings of men and women about median earnings of men.” The gap is slowly closing but still as a long way to go, in the states in about 21 years Florida will the first state to close the gap. On average for every dollar that a man gets women will get eighty percent. Next, another example of gender inequality would be the difference in opportunities in careers. Females are not offered the jobs that males are usually offered because they are seen as weak and inferior. In positions relating to engineering and technology only about two percent out of fifty-one thousand women got offers while twelve of thirty-eight thousand men got offers. Most females are intimated by the amount males enrolled in classes relating to the science and engineering field. Ms. Isabella Juriya said “ At orientation for my engineering course, my little group had 20 people and three were girls,” Despite the widespread push for more women to enroll in science, technology, engineering, and maths fields, but offers to female students remained the same for at least five years. Lastly, a way that gender inequality compels us to act today is by allowing the education of girls in lesser developed countries. In developing countries, if the family is wealthy enough to send their children to school the boys are the one receive the education. According to UNESCO the one hundred and ten million children living in developing countries that do not attend school, sixty percent are girls. By educating girls in these countries would not only help the economy but also improve the girl’s self-worth. Enhancing the self-esteem of young women is one of the major ways to stop gender inequality. The wage gap, the lower opportunities for women careers and educating girls in developing countries are ways how gender equality compels us to act today.

Similarly, an injustice that compels us to act today is poverty in developing countries. To begin, in less developed countries such as Africa there are limitations to resources. African countries are usually destitute and do not have the necessities of life if they do it is in minuscule quantities. According to World Hunger Notes in 2012, 501 million people, or 47 percent of the population of sub-Saharan Africa, lived on $1.90 a day or less. The people living in lesser-developed countries usually do not have access to clean running water and functioning electricity. In Africa, about seven out of eight children that attend school do not have electricity at home. Secondly, poverty in lesser developed leads to hunger. Hunger is one of the biggest problems in developing countries, one out of eight people are undernourished. In core countries, there is an abundance of food but in the periphery food is expensive, and it is tough for the inhabitants of these lesser developed countries to purchase and feed their families. Lastly, the low levels of education in developing countries negatively impacts the status of the country. In the lesser developed countries for example in Nepal, only seven percent of children that are enrolled in school make it to the tenth grade. Not only is keeping kids in school difficult but it is very rare for a girl to have the privilege of getting an education. By educating the young girls, it would help the country and its economy. Limited resources, hunger in lesser developed countries and low levels of education are ways poverty in lesser developed countries compels us to act today.

To finish off, another solemn issue of injustice that compels us to act today is police brutality. According to the online encyclopedia, police brutality is “the use of any force exceeding that reasonably necessary to accomplish a lawful police purpose.” To start off, the acts of police brutality affect the lives of innocent people. Police officers hurt people that they see as a potential threat as in breaking the law or causing harm to others they will stop them by arresting them or hurting them in extreme cases. On average every year more than one thousand people are killed by police officers. Police officers are known to people that protect the community against the bad; however, according to The National Registry of Exonerations states that in the year of 2015 about one hundred forty-nine exonerees have been noted. Secondly, police officers target minority groups. The way that police officers make money is based off how many tickets they give out. In most cases, the person receiving the ticket did nothing wrong, but the reason the officer gave the person the ticket because they are a minority. On average police officers stop 5.4% or blacks and 4.1% of Hispanics while on average whites are only stopped 3.1% of the time. Usually, there is no reason the officer just assumes that they are off to no good, in the first 60 seconds of seeing someone people get their first impressions of someone. Lastly, reports of police brutality are often neglected and not cared for. Out of all individuals, police officers are usually last expected to be the ones turned in for committing a crime. Many people believe that officers are not the ones to blame, but there is judgment is not always right, police officers are not always the good guys. Ninety-nine percent of the time the victim’s cases of police brutality never get documented nor inverted. Acting upon innocent people, unfair treatment of minorities and the neglection of cases caused by police brutality are ways that the issues of police brutality compel us to act today.

As mentioned issues of injustice affect everyone living in the world today. By coming together, the issues of injustice can be stopped. By respecting and educating young girls will bring girls courage to stand up for what is right and will start an end to gender inequality. By gaining support from core countries and creating a high education standard for both sexes, developing countries will slowing start to improve their economic and social standards. Taking police brutality more seriously and educating people how to prevent police brutality will help the number of victims decrease. Gender inequality, poverty in lesser developed countries and police brutality are many issues of injustice that compel us to act today.

