Krealogi: A UX Case Study

Jessica Stephanie
7 min readOct 24, 2021



Proyek ini merupakan bagian dari UI/UX Training Program yang diadakan oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika dengan Skilvul dan Krealogi sebagai Challenge Partner. Saya tidak bekerja atau diikat dalam kontrak profesional oleh Krealogi.


Krealogi was developed by Du Anyam, a company that focuses on the improvement and development of handicraft business (UMKM) in Indonesia, to provide an integrated business operations management app as well as a platform to connect with the handicraft UMKM community throughout the nation.

Krealogi targets three types of user: Vendor, Producer, and Seller. Vendor and Seller are users who sells handicraft goods in Du Anyam platform or other platforms. Producer are users who produces handicraft goods to be distributed by vendors or sellers.

Currently, Krealogi has provided features such as:

  • Production Planning and Monitoring
  • Sales recording
  • Expense report
  • Inventory management


As a part of the DTS KOMINFO UI/UX Training, we are given a challenge to develop some features that have not been provided within the app. Those features were Simple CRM, Cash Flow Feature and Integration with Logistic and Marketplace. My team, which consists me, Krishna Govinda, and Christien Marhandita, chose to develop Cash Flow Feature as our challenge.

The goals that we want to achieve with this design process are:

  1. To enable users to record Incomes and provide daily and monthly Income Reports;
  2. To enable users to record Expenses and provide daily and monthly Expense Reports;
  3. To provide daily and monthly Cash Flow Report.

Design Thinking

The method that we used in our design process is Design Thinking. With this method, we define the problems that users might encounter while using the existing version of the app, and propose an iteration as a solution to those problems. Here’s our design process.

1. Define

In this stage, we tried to define the problems that exist within the app based on our hands on experience on the app. Then we made a list of Pain Points that we found while using the app.

Some of the main pain points that we found are:

  1. The app was confusing to use, and the interface was not very user friendly;
  2. The Finance feature (Keuangan) only provides accounting for Direct and Indirect Costs, and no feature for recording incomes;
  3. There was no feature that provides financial reports;
  4. There was a lack of integration among features of the app. For example, the stock of materials used for production must be updated manually, rather than automatically after production.
  5. It is impossible to record orders on a product with zero stock amount; this means that the app can not accommodate pre-order system.

After defining the Pain Points, we conducted a How-Might-We as follows:

  1. How might we simplify the input forms to be more user friendly?
  2. How might we make an integrated accounting process of cost and income, from buying materials to receiving sales, to provide a comprehensive financial report?

2. Ideate

In this stage, we proposed some solution ideas to problems that we found, and arranged them it into a prioritization diagram based on the level of effort and user value.

Solution Ideas
Prioritization of Ideas

The last step of our ideation process was conducting a Crazy-8’s exercise to come up with ideas for our next stage.

3. Prototyping

Our next step was proposing a new data flow as well as user flow that would better suit the user need in creating a financial report. The Data Flow that we proposed is as follows:

  1. User records information regarding the stock of materials, half-finished products, and finished products in the Warehouse menu (Gudang). Stock of materials used will be updated after usage on the Production process.
  2. The Production process will add the quantity of half-finished or finished product.
  3. User records expenses from material purchases or other expenses in the Expense menu (Transaksi Keluar). This menu uses information regarding material purchases from the Warehouse menu.
  4. Expenses recorded by user will be calculated and presented in the Reports menu (Laporan) as Expense Report and Cash Flow Report. The Cash Flow Report will be based on the transactions paid by cash.
  5. Income received and recorded by user will be calculated and presented in the Reports menu (Laporan) as Income Report and Cash Flow Report. The Cash Flow Report will be based on the income received by cash.
  6. Information of income received from sales will be used by Orders menu (Pesanan) to update the status of the orders that have been recorded.

The User Flow that we proposed is as follows:

Based on the User Flow that we proposed, we started the prototyping process.

Interact with the Prototype

We began by redesigning the Home page (Beranda) to show a dashboard that consists of simple information regarding performances, balances, and inventory. We also added a quick access bar to access menus such as Productions (Produksi), Orders (Pesanan), delivery fee calculator, contacts, and marketplace. We also made adjustments to the bottom navigation bar to show the new Reports menu (Laporan).

User schedules and keep progress the production process by clicking the + Produksi button on the homepage. Information on half-finished products or finished products should be recorded first in the Warehouse menu (Gudang). When the production process is completed, it will automatically updates the stock of said half-finished or finished products.

User records incoming orders by clicking the + Pesanan button on the homepage, and fill in the details such as client information and order details. User picks products ordered from the dropdown list, which means the items should be recorded first in the Warehouse menu. It is possible to record orders on product with zero stock to accommodate pre-order system. User records progress of the order by clicking the “Kirim” button for delivery, and records payment received in the Finance menu.

The Warehouse menu (Gudang) is used to keep stock of finished products, half-finished product, and materials. User inputs details such as product picture, product name, product amount, and product price.

Finance menu (Keuangan), consists of Income (Pemasukan) and Expenses (Pengeluaran) submenus. User uses Income submenu to record incomes that come from sales or other sources. If the income comes from sales, user will be required to pick from a list of orders that have been recorded in the Orders menu (Pesanan). Then the income information will be used in the Orders menu as a confirmation of payment.

The Expenses (Pengeluaran) submenu is used to record transactions made for purchasing materials, paying bills, wages, transportation, etc. The items of material purchased should be recorded in Warehouse in order for the user to be able to record the expense. Information of the amount of items purchased then will be used to update the amount of stock of said material item.

The Reports (Laporan) menu provides information processed from the other menus and presents it in the form of graphs and detailed reports. There are six reports provided in this menu:

  1. Balance Sheet (Neraca)
  2. Income Report (Laporan Pemasukan)
  3. Expense Report (Laporan Keuangan)
  4. Cash Flow Report (Laporan Arus Kas)
  5. Inventory Report (Laporan Inventaris)
  6. Client List (Daftar Klien)

4. Testing

We conducted a usability testing in the form of in-depth interview to gain feedback and insight from a real user. We conducted the test with help of a respondent, who works as a clay craft and jewelry business owner. We measured three elements out of four Elements of Good User Experience according to Google: Usability, Usefulness, and Enjoyability. We used Likert scale (1–5) to measure each indicators while doing specific tasks. The threshold for passing the test is 3 and above. The result of the usability testing is as follows:

The overall response from our respondent was quite satisfactory. According to the interview, she stated that the app can potentially be very useful for her as a business owner to manage the operation of the business. The integration of the menus can help keep records of stock and finances all in one place.

