Blog 6: Video Game Prototype

Jessica Chuong
2 min readApr 17, 2022


Fry Adventures! :

The game that my partner and I made is called Fry Adventures. You play as a village girl who fends off animals sent by the Forest God by throwing potatoes.

You use WASD to move, W the jump, and use the mouse to aim and click to throw potatoes.

The goal of the game is to defeat and/or avoid the animals to reach the end of the level and progress. Since this is a prototype, there are issues. Currently, there is no way to actually progress, you just get blocked from going off the map. The animals don’t do any damage and don’t walk around. The potatoes are supposed to defeat the animals but they just push them around instead. Besides that, the game runs pretty well.

From both game testing sessions, we gained a lot of information on what we could improve or change. Since I was the artist, I wanted to know if all the assets go together with the background and most people said it did. From the first session, some people pointed out that the background seemed more pixelated than the assets. I changed it but I think I should make it even less pixelated because some people still pointed it out. I also want to improve the overall quality of the art part of the game but for now, we think we should try improving/adding other things like a health interface and having the animals actually do damage and be defeated. Another thing that we wanted to add is a way to imply the story we’re trying to create. From the testing, I noticed that many people were wondering what the story is or what the goal is so we have to make it more clear and more apparent.

Game Credits:

Art: Jessica Chuong

Programming: Christian Acosta

