How to hire mobile app developer? A comprehensive guide to select the best one

Jessica Nails
7 min readMar 4, 2019


As per the Statista report, it is expected that in 2020, mobile apps will generate around 189 billion U.S dollars in terms of revenue via app stores and in-app advertising.

After surveying worldwide, one of the stats shows that in 2022, US people are expected to download 31.5 billion mobile apps to their smartphone.

Above stats show that mobile apps are the biggest need nowadays. You can do almost everything with the help of mobile apps, like paying bills, watch movies, order food, book shows, read books, stay focused and organized and many more.

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Mobile apps are the compact utility software that runs on a smartphone and a tablet. Generally, the apps are designed to facilitate end-users by performing tasks for them easily and allow the owner to show their app presence to the customers.

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Even a local coffee shop business is owning the app. Having an app is a great way to connect with your customers and remind them of your business or brand. By analysing the emerging demand for mobile apps, either you might be thinking of your app or already have an idea to build the app. All this leads us in a direction to find the app developer.

Here we are presenting you a comprehensive guide to hire the best mobile app developer. Lets’ go through it.

Before starting the hiring process, be prepared for it. Understand the purpose of hiring. Ask yourself some questions like what kind of developer is required for your app development process, what you are looking for — a dedicated resource or a freelance developer etc.

Examine what kind of qualities you are hunting to bring out the best of your app. If you are thinking of monetization with your app, then find the one accordingly who has worked on similar projects.

These are the basic questions which you can quickly ask yourself to stay focused on particular things. Now move on to the steps to hire mobile application developer -

1. Analyse your Needs

In the very beginning of your hiring process, you have to do a thorough research related to your app. For example, what kind of app you are going to build. Is it a free app or a paid app? A free app is completely free and sometimes offers special features in the paid version. If you are new and want to establish your roots among your audience you should go for a free app, after getting successful responses from the users, you can plan for monetization by offering in-app purchases.

Understand your target audience by conducting research. Know your end-users, it will help you choose a suitable platform for your app.

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Meanwhile, you can understand your monetization goals too. Stay clear with all your requirements initially.

2. Choose one between a Dedicated Resource and a Freelance Developer

This step may be easy for you after performing step 1. When your needs are simplified, it is easier to analyse what best suits to fulfil them. Now you have to decide to choose one between a dedicated resource (a development firm) or a freelancer.

See both have their own sets of pros and cons. You must have an in-depth business understanding to choose one. There are different factors by which you can make a judgement such as expertise level, dedication, availability and data security.

Expertise level is the essential factor to consider when hiring an app developer. By hiring a full-time dedicated resource, you can bring more professional approach in the development which can benefit you in all terms.

If you hire the freelance developers, you will have a package of expertise as these developers have worked with multiple clients and covered a variety of aspects in their work experience. But to be noted that, freelance developers are very limited for their availability. They are not so much available for last minute changes or quick bug fixes. They should be hired for short and time-sensitive projects. Otherwise, you should go for a dedicated resource.

1. Check Portfolio

This step is all about fixing a developer in the technical frame required in app development. Check their knowledge and experience.

Look at the history of their app development. Go through their social profile where they have shared their success stories, previous relevant projects and skills. Download some of their apps for a short time to know about their development skills. Also, notice the graphics and user-interface of the apps. Users love to stay on well-designed apps. Check the developer’s excellence in UI/UX skills.

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It is not only the design which can prove the efficiency of a developer, but a well-written code is a precious skill in a developer.

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While interviewing them, ask directly about the technology related to the platform they are working on. Try to know how well they are in support and maintenance and handling security issues. Ask them for issues fixed by them on submitted app. This will allow you to get a close look on their fixing skills.

2. A few Extra Tips

One cannot rely on a technical robot, who can perform well to develop an app but can’t bring creative outputs. The developer should be extra smart and capable to deal with various aspects related to the development. Let’s have a look on some extra qualities of a developer –

1. Support and Maintenance

App development is not a one-time process which is completed after an app is developed and delivered. In fact, it is a cycle which should be regularly handled by someone.

Look for a gem who can handle your app after delivery, not the one who can leave you in midway. After launching an app, it needs to be updated regularly, new features must be added and if any bugs are arising, it needs to be fixed.

A good support and maintenance must be a topmost thing on a checklist when you are hiring a developer. Avoiding this step will lead you to hire a new developer for support. The developer will have to take a deep dive to understand the previous work which will take a huge amount of time and cost. Moreover, you have to repeat all your efforts from zero level to hire a developer again. So be wise and choose the right one at the very first time.

2. Good communication Skills

Communication is the key to success. A developer should have effective communication skills. He should be a good listener while you are telling him/her project requirements and smart enough at the same time to catch the issues. All these capabilities will be visible to you only when he/she is easy to communicate with.

3. Check client reference

Client’s reviews and recommendations are very helpful to peek into the developer’s work history. Ask the client’s experience of working with the developer. Take info about punctuality (timely delivery of project). Also, know how easy it was to reach him/her for discussion and last but not the least, interrogate about the quality delivered in the project. Find out that how reliable and responsive were the developer’s methods.

4. Don’t be fixed on a budget

It is a well-known fact that everyone has a budget. It is a human tendency to choose the cheapest source available in order to save money.

App development is a standardized process which needs a greater level of technical expertise. You can never judge the value and efforts bring by a developer. A low-cost option can survive you for one time. But it will become more expensive to handle for the long term. Remember a great product is something that can make your end-users happy with its quality. It is better to stay with quality and be flexible on budget.

Conclusion –

Hiring an app developer needs a systematic approach, thorough research, technical gut and most importantly ‘Patience’.

You need to be calm and a good observant. As you have to identify the smartest and creative developer who can bring life to your app idea.

We hope you liked the article. Do share your views in the comment section. Small to medium or big, all size of business needs their app to be developed efficiently. Before developing an app, one should have a proper app strategy along with a responsible developer. You need to be prompt and active in this whole process.



Jessica Nails

A Newyork based Content Manager/Editor — creating content for Professional, technologies & Creative services