How Your Successful Life & Business Starts with Self Care

Jessie Anne Zayas
3 min readSep 28, 2022


Ask an Executive Coach: Answers from your in-house coach, Jessie Anne Zayas, on top questions & topics that come from her clients & community.

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Have you heard that you can’t pour from an empty cup? Ask yourself, are you building your business from an empty or full cup?

When my cleints come to me with overwhelm in their life & business, I usually always check in on how their wellbeing and self care practice is going. Usually I hear, “I don’t have time” or “yeah, that’s been on the backburner due to x, y, z”. But here’s the reality, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

It fuels your energy, passion, love, flow, wellness, spirit, creativity, resiliency, courage & confidence in all aspects of your life & business. When it’s full, you can create limitless possibilities, but if it’s empty, it can feel impossible to create transformation, be a fearless leader, make empowered decisions or know what’s the next bold move is for your life, career or business.

I’ve heard time & time again from my high performance clients that it can feel like they’re on a hamster wheel vs. feeling pure flow, balance & ease with their life & business. (And I promise you it should feel like the latter!) So how do we finally get off that hamster wheel & live a life of ease & flow?It starts with radical self care!

For the next three week’s we’re going to:

  1. Get real on how we’re currenlty filling/not filling up our self care cup
  2. Learn different ways on how we can fill it up & let it runneth over
  3. And last but not least, how we can make self care a lifelong journey vs. a destination

For this week, let’s get real on how we’re currently filling up our cup. In order to see where our self care can expand and grow, we need to get real with where we are today.

Let’s get out a journal & set a timer for 10 minutes. No judgment, no perfectionism or overthinking. Just let it flow and write down what first comes to mind.

Spend 2 minutes on each prompt and move onto the next one. Let’s begin!

  • Is your cup empty, half-full or overflowing?
  • How are you currently filling up your cup?
  • What’s working or not working?
  • What’s getting in the way of prioritizing your self care each day?
  • When looking at mind, body & spirit, how are you sourcing these each day, each week, each month?

<<Take a deep breath>> Celebrate yourself for taking an honest look at your well-being & self care practice. I can’t wait to explore how we can fill up your cup even more next week! I leave you with this affirmation:

I am creating the world I want to experience out there inside of myself first.

Much Love & Gratitude,

Jessie Anne Zayas

CEO | Happy Warrior Coaching & The Blueprint by JZ

Have a question or future topic request? As your in-house Executive Coach, feel free to email me at or DM me questions or future topic requests on LinkedIn or Instagram.

Want to hear how other women are exploring & expanding their self love journey? Listen to my podcast Self Love Stories.



Jessie Anne Zayas

A self love advocate, disrupter, executive coach & Marketing Executive with 10+ years of experience scaling startups to multimillion/billion dollar brands.