Astraea Love
4 min readJan 11, 2016

The Truth about Soul Mates and Twin Flames

The biggest misconception about soul mate compatibility and twin flames that people have is that they are one in the same. However they are quite different. Most people in life in my experience as a psychic medium will have at least one person that they are soul mate compatible with. More times than not they will have two or three throughout their lives. Before we come down here on earth we choose certain lessons that we need to learn for our souls development. We also choose who we will learn these lessons with, and a lot of the time it is a spouse. These lessons always can vary but they always have to do with how we experience love. Whether the lesson is how to better love ourselves, how to recognize love from another, or how to show our love for someone else they are all equally important and very necessary lessons. Before incarnation a soul contract is made with this person in agreement to meet during life to learn the necessary lessons in order to prepare us for the relationship that we will have with our Twin Flame. Every single person alive does have a Twin Flame which in my best words of being able to describe is almost an exact mirror of our own soul. We have to learn many lessons about love before we can be ready, and prepared for deepness and wholeness of the relationship with our Twin Flame and one true match and yes everyone has one! Even Jesus , his twin flame was Mary Magdaline who when they were alive was actually his wife. Now love is the most powerful emotion and magic that exists and ever has existed and before we can embark on a relationship with our Twin Flame we must be ready. We must learn all of the lessons about how to give, recognize, receive and truly love ourselves unconditionally before we can attract the energies of The Twin Flame love into our lives. Some people ask me is my boyfriend our spouse my Twin Flame, and I always am guided to say no. When you have met and are with your Twin Flame from the very moment that they come into your life which is always through a divinely planned circumstance you immediately know. The unconditional love and bond goes so deep that there really are not any human words to describe the feeling. I can compare it to how deeply and intimately twins are connected with each other. Sometimes it takes lifetimes and lifetimes of having soul mate compatible relationships before we actually learn and understand all of the lessons that we need to before we can have a relationship with our Twin Flame. How long the wait is never matters as our soul knows its own divinity and will be patient for this extremely powerful and fulfilling love. It is the ultimate end game of being able to be with someone and to create our heaven here upon earth with them. Here is a quick guided visualization in which you can do to help you to understand what it is that you need to learn or do in this life before you can draw in the Twin Flame energy. Take a moment to close your eyes and breathe in deeply. Imagine that every area of your body is becoming relaxed. Now see yourself walking through a beautiful enchanted forest. Envision how the flowers smell, how the earth feels under your feet and what the sky looks like. Now as you walk through this forest you come to a cute cottage in the middle of it. A warm feeling invites you inside and you know that it is safe to enter. When you enter the cottage you see a divine light that you know comes from the highest place in heaven. You walk towards this divine light and it greets you warmly. This divine light is the essence and the spirit of your Twin Flame. You greet it warmly and this divine light whispers to you what exactly it is that it needs from you. The first thing that comes into your mind will be your answer. Then send love from your heart to this divine energy and say goodbye. Then you will know exactly what you need to do, it is as simple as that! I hope that you enjoyed, love and light!

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