Think that you are Cursed?…. Perhaps it is the Evil Eye…. Evil Eye Curse Removal Guide

Astraea Love
7 min readNov 7, 2017
This Evil Eye Attunement Key Attunes you to the Protection of the Amulet. Spend a few moments gazing directly at this photo without blinking and allow the energies to install into your 3rd eye. This will remove the Evil Eye from you and give you temporary protection from the Evil Eye. For the best Protection from the Evil Eye follow the directions below.

What is the Evil Eye?

The Evil Eye is the most ancient curse and what I believe to be the first curse that had ever been created or cast. The Evil Eye is the same eye of judgement seen in the Lord OF The Rings movies. It is not to be associated with the all seeing eye of GOD, HORUS, HATHOR or RA. The Evil Eye is an eye of jealousy and ill will. It is usually seen as a snake or cat eye with the pupil an up and down slit. It is the responsible for many many suicides, miscarriages, and disasters. It is the one thing that I have seen that is responsible for negative unjustified karma. In fact people cast this eye the majority of the time without even knowing that they are doing it. Has someone ever looked at you with jealousy , or have looked at you strange while complimenting you? Did you notice that sine they complimented you , your luck has changed? Have you ever seen someone’ds eyes change in front of you to pure evil? Like someone else is looking back at you? This is the Evil Eye. Once the jolt of negativity is sent from…

