Astraea Love
3 min readJan 11, 2016

Understanding the Connection Between Mother and Child

Before we incarnate into our lives we choose who we want our parents to be and what circumstances that we will be born into to continue our soul’s development. Of course a lot of this has to do with karmatic debt but we actually make a soul contract with both of our parents whether they are present in our lives or not. Both the child and the parents have important lessons to learn

from each other in every case. Now we are going to talk about the unconditional love felt by the mother during pregnancy. Every woman and yes I am saying every woman feels an overwhelming unconditional love for her unborn child as he or she grows in the womb. Some people say that it is because of hormones or a mothers intuition and yes both of these can play a role in the way a woman feels while she is pregnant but it is not the only contributing factor as why this deep connection on a soul level occurs. There is a bond between mother and child that grows just as deep an intimate as a bond with our Twin Flame. When a woman carries her unborn child within her, she is actually carrying the soul of the child as it is to large to be able to fit inside the fetus. So our astral bodies carry and protect our child’s astral bodies and as time goes along a deep loving relationship and everlasting bond occurs. When the child is ready to be born is the time when the astral body/ soul of the child enters the new born baby. Often times women suffer from a condition called postpartum depression. After the baby is born it can be a total shock and feeling of loss on a deep soul level for the mother. Having that wonderful love just all of the sudden no longer there puts the body into complete , total and utter chaos. That is why the best treatment for this is to spend as much time holding your new born baby to your heart chakra as possible. I do have to say that hormones play a role as we do have physical bodies that go through such drastic change during the time of pregnancy that we can’t really expect our bodies to go back to normal with out any fuss at all. Now I know what you are going to say that some women’s do, and more power to them but this article is to help those who struggle or have struggled with postpartum depression to understand more about it ,and why it is happening or has happened to them. The connection between mother and child is so precious and unique that it can be felt even in later lifetimes. So the next time you are with child remember that your soul is bound together in oneness in the most intimately possible way that two souls can ever come together, and that the energy of this bond will last and be remembered on a soul level forever. It can never be undone or forgotten. So cherish it while you have it and embrace it while you can, and if you have a hard time after delivery hold your baby close to your heart as much as possible. Namaste. Love and Light!

Here is my website for Enlightened Journeys (Jessika VIdal-Johnson) Psychic Medium