How Meditation helped me with dog grooming, and running a successful business.

Disclaimer: This is a spiritual/hippie dippy/woo woo article. If that’s not your cup of chai, love and light to you. Here’s a video of an extremely tiny Pomeranian.

Jess Rona Grooming
4 min readOct 18, 2017

As an entrepreneur who runs a growing business, I am constantly juggling a million things at once. As I type this, I’m texting clients, editing a video, and high-fiving my dog. I used to struggle with anxiety. It still likes to linger with me (I named it Abby), but I have found that meditation helps so much. I meditate at least once a day (twice on a good day) for 20 minutes.

However, there are those days that are too chaotic to meditate. Those are the days where I will do everything I can to find 5 minutes. I’ll go somewhere quiet (like a car, a bathroom, or the back of a Denny’s), close my eyes, and take four long deep breaths and try to make my ass sit still for a moment. This is proven to reset your nervous system. Also I gotta mention that sometimes I’ll go through phases where I don’t meditate at all. Like for weeks. I’ll feel it in my body. I’m tired and I know I have to do it, but I push through that sluggish feeling even though my body is screaming for me to chill out and meditate. I’ll notice I’m snippy, less patient, not as kind or thoughtful which affects my business. I should give a name to that kid inside that doesn’t want me to meditate, or go to bed early, and makes me eat mac n cheese. I try not to judge myself or get frustrated. I remind myself that it’s a practice, so I take it day by day.

There are so many types of meditation. I found this awesome resource with tons of information. I also hear Jessica Snow is great but I haven’t geeked out on her yet. If you listen to her and love it, let me know.

My current jam is Wayne Dyer’s “I am” meditation. On the inhale you think “I am ______” and receive it from the Universe, and on the exhale you think “I am ______” and give it to the Universe. (He explains it in the YouTube video). This is great because you can customize it to however you’re feeling that day. Depending on my mood and what’s going on, I’ll switch it up. Here are some of my mantras for this meditation:

  • I am calm and present
  • I am rich in abundance
  • I am trusting in the Universe
  • I am grateful
  • I am ok

(I will choose one to focus on for the entire meditation.)

Wayne Dyer also talks about the words “I am” and how powerful they are. How often do you find yourself saying “I am so pissed about ______” or “I am frustrated/sick and tired/broke/not great at ______”?
When we declare to the world “I am _______”, we create that as our reality, manifest it and make it so. When you believe something to be true, it is! I am always working on being aware of the words I think and say. They are powerful.

So how has this helped my business?

I set aside time for meditation in the mornings. It calms me so much that I carry it through my day. When I’m calm, the dogs I groom are calm, I have more patience, I am less tired, I can make better decisions, and when I carve out that tiny bit of time for me, I show myself love and that feels good.

Here’s some ninja shit: at the end of my meditations, I picture my clients for the day and send them love and gratitude. I say to myself “today I will honor my clients, and be of service to them. I will work this day with the purest intentions for the good of all”. I also visualize co-workers, friends and family and I’ll shoot an imaginary rainbow of love from my chest to theirs.

Here’s some crazier ninja shit: send love to the client that you don’t like. We all have them. That one client that talks your ear off about how they brush their dog every morning (but he’s a literal a pile of matts), or that their vet insists on having you rinse the dog with coconut oil, or explains why they think their geriatric bald poodle needs a lion cut.

Some of my “self-help” favezies:



Thanks for reading. I’m sending a rainbow of love to you right now.

