EP 5: 4 Important Metrics all Business Owners Should Track

Jessica Lee
Non-techie Entrepreneur blog
3 min readNov 7, 2018

In this episode, Jess will go over 4 analytic metrics all business owners should track. Tracking your analytics can help bring insight into your business that you can’t see. It will give you insight into your audience, your sales, and where your audience is coming from.

Are you nagged with the urge to start those Facebook ads but don’t? Not sure about how to tweak and redefine your target niche and market? Trying to figure out how the heck those marketing gurus can get it done so quickly and efficiently? The truth is always in the numbers. This is where analytics comes in. Analytics allow you to have an areal view of your traffic, sales, who loves what about your content the most and more. Read on to learn the benefits of Google Analytics.

Helps build your Customer Avatar

When starting your business you need to know who you want to reach, what your audience looks like, what they need to succeed, how you can help. After you establish your business and begin to grow, you may need to update that customer avatar. When reviewing your analytics you get a bird’s eye view of what your audience looks like. If you are using Google Analytics to track your traffic you would see the demographics of your audience, what they are looking for and where they are coming from. Did they find you via social media? or maybe an organic search for a particular keyword.

Helps to know what to Promote

When you have a handle on who you are marketing to and are creating content for your ideal customer, you can figure out what to promote to your audience. You may notice in your analytics that your audience is viewing a certain type of content or blog post. If you are an e-commerce store you can view your analytics to see which products have high views but aren’t converting well. You can possibly host a sale or a coupon to visitors that have viewed the product. You can also create promotional posts and blog posts to support your promotion.

Helps you Focus down your ads

Ads. The word makes me cringe every time I use it, but they can dramatically help your business. If they are not focused correctly it will push money down the drain. And we don’t want that! So in order to help your ad performance, you’ll need to narrow down on an audience. Using your analytics you can create multiple audiences including:

1. Audience

2. Keyword / Content

3. What platform your audience is on

When reviewing your audience you may see that most of your traffic is coming from Pinterest, so you can push some ads to that platform to help bring in more traffic instead of pushing to a platform that has low reach.

Helps to Find Issues with your Sales Funnel

Sales funnels are the step your potential customers have to take in order for a conversion to register, some sales funnels end with a registered email address or a sale. Sometimes sales funnels get “clogged” and you have no idea why people aren’t converting. When tracking your analytics you can set up Goal tracking in your Google Analytics dashboard which will show you where your visitors entered into your sales funnel and what steps they have accomplished on the way to the desired goal. When viewing your funnel, you will also see where visitors are falling off. This helps you identify where issues are in your funnel and you can see where you may need to share an email or a popup coupon to help move visitors along through the funnel.

Helps when Planning your Content

Creating content is no easy task that you can just throw together last minute when you create content you want to make sure you are providing actionable and informative information. Knowing who your audience makes it easier to create content based on what they are looking for on your sit right now if you have a blog post that performs well see if you can create a content freebie or PDF to help get your current audience on your email list.

Originally published at Jess The Techpreneur.



Jessica Lee
Non-techie Entrepreneur blog

I create courses and resources for solopreneurs, both aspiring and seasoned, to help them build the knowledge and skills needed to run a successful business.