Put your Shopify Store on Autopilot with these 5 Apps

Jessica Lee
Non-techie Entrepreneur blog
5 min readMar 21, 2018

Having your business running in the background day to day including marketing, recovering sales and gathering social proof for your products is a dream that all online store owners want to come true.

The only way to accomplish it is through automation.

Every online store runs automated tasks from thank you emails, shipping updates and review request, its all timed to go out at scheduled times without anyone having to send it manually.

Think about a recent purchase you made on Amazon (if not Amazon, then your fav retailer) before you actually made a purchase did you look at anything before clicking “Complete Order”?

Reviews maybe?

How did you find the product? Did you see an ad or were you just browsing?

After you purchased did you receive an order confirmation via email? What about a shipping notification?

All of those steps are automated,

Now the question now may be, what can I automate?

Think about the different areas of your store needs:

What brings your clients in : Ads / Marketing / Social Media

What other customers think about your products: Social Proof / Testimonials

How you communicate with your customers: Email Campaigns

Recover $$$ from “Still thinking about it”customers: Abandon Cart Retrieval

How to keep your customers engaged: Rewards Incentives

Just think…

How exhausting is it to keep track of every customer’s birthday or purchase history and make sure you send a reward email and logged how many points each customer has. With the time you wasted on manually keeping track of your rewards program, you could have scheduled social media posts, email campaigns and wrote a couple of blog posts.

Automation is key to having your business running in the background day to day including marketing, recovering sales and gathering social proof for your products is the ultimate goal.

It doesn’t have to be frustrating and time-consuming, most of these can be automated with the click of a button and if you have a Shopify store here are 5 apps you need to add to your store TODAY!

For Marketing / Ads Automation:


Kit is an app created by Shopify that monitors your website’s traffic to let you know about ads that you should be running to your warm website visitors to “retarget” them back to your store.

The wonderful thing about Kit is that it works with other apps that are working on your store including Yotpo for customer reviews, Messenger and Facebook.

Kit is an official Facebook Marketing Partner for small business, so it is a great asset when it comes to Facebook + Instagram ads.

Here’s a short video on Kit:

For Testimonial Collection Automation:

Yotpo Reviews — Product Reviews, Site Reviews, Photo Reviews

Testimonial collection is one of the most important parts of owning a store, having social proof and testimonials from customers that have purchased your products available for your potential customers to view helps build trust and validation with your business.

When you are a new brand getting your products in front of customers is the first step to them purchasing but having testimonials available for them to read can make or break that sale. I am more open to purchasing a new product because I received a referral or it had high reviews than when I am browsing and find your product with no reviews.

Using yotpo you automatically collect reviews from customers who have previously purchased your products, by sending an email requesting a review of their recent purchase. They fill it out and it is sent to your store where you can publish them on your site and on your social media pages instantly saving time and frustration later.

Here’s a short video on Yotpo:

For Email Collection Automation:

Sumo — Free Exit-Intent Popups, Email Marketing Tools, and More

Sumo is an email marketing tool that helps email collection through pop-ups, welcome mats and landing pages.

Sumo is wonderful at email collection it automatically sends out your welcome email to your new subscribers that come through your email pop-ups, your exit intent pop-ups, and welcome mats it also.

Sumo has free and paid plans for a website of all sizes, of course, the free plan is great for entrepreneurs and small business owners just starting out.

Here’s a short video on Sumo + Shopify:

For Abandon Cart Retrieval/ Web Push / Messenger Automation:

Web Push + Facebook Messenger by Push Nova

Push Nova has taken abandoned cart recovery to the next level, using Facebook messenger and web push notifications to get your abandon cart notifications back in front of your customers where they are at.

So instead of reaching them through your traditional avenue of email reminders, you are in their Facebook messenger and Web push notifications giving you a better chance to convert these visitors into customers. This app allows you to also customize all the notifications you will be sent out to your potential customers so that it matches your brand.

This isn’t just an abandoned cart recovery + web push app, you can also use it to notify your visitors about new social media posts, order + status updates, upsells, back in stock notifications and review collection.

Here is an example of the app in action:

Push Nova Messenger

For Rewards Incentives Automation:

Points, VIP, Referral Program by Smile.io

Using Smile.io rewards allows you to create a rewards program that matches your brand, is very easy to use and quick to install. It’s a 3 in 1 app that tracks your customer’s loyalty points, referrals and VIP status.

Having loyal customers means repeat customers and sales, and if they are sending out referrals to their friends and family means that you are getting exposure for your business by rewarding your current customers.

With a free plan, you can create a reward for purchases, customer referrals, account registrations, social shares, social follows and even birthday rewards which is great to start with. The free plan accommodates up to 500 members if you need more they have paid plans starting at $59/ month for 2,000 members.

Here’s a short video on Smile.io:

Let me know how these apps worked for you in the comments!

Originally published at Jess The Techpreneur.



Jessica Lee
Non-techie Entrepreneur blog

I create courses and resources for solopreneurs, both aspiring and seasoned, to help them build the knowledge and skills needed to run a successful business.