What would happen if I write daily for 139 days?

Jesús González
2 min readAug 16, 2023


For days, or rather months, I’ve been considering the idea of improving my writing to achieve a more effective connection between the new ideas I acquire and the knowledge I already possess.

Photo by Oyemike Princewill on Unsplash

For this reason, I’ve decided to embark on a small challenge, which involves publishing an article per day on Medium until the end of this year.

My goal with this is to develop the habit of writing and refine my skill in this world of writers, in which I still consider myself a complete novice. In my personal experience in other areas of life, I’ve learned that, regardless of whether you’re a beginner or not, practice is essential to acquire any skill, as theory lacks value without practical application.

On the current date, which is August 15, 2023, there are exactly 139 days left to finish the year. If I manage to maintain consistency during this period, I will have written around 139 articles or posts.

It’s true that writing high-quality articles can be challenging when trying to publish a new one every day. This could potentially affect the quality, at least in theory. For this reason, I plan to publish at least one meticulously crafted article per month, addressing a specific topic that I find interesting. This will allow my contributions to stand out for their genuine quality rather than being simple, unhelpful articles.

Well, it seems like I’m getting a little tangled up here.

Article Summary:

What would happen if I commit to writing daily on Medium for 139 days? Within 139 days, I’ll share my discoveries.

I genuinely appreciate you taking the time to read. And I hope to see you again soon.

Signed: A Sane Madman



Jesús González

I write to order my ideas. / Escribo para ordenar mis ideas.