San Miguel de Allende The heart of México.

7 min readMar 5, 2018


Rooftop at “Luna Bar” in the Rosewood hotel, it has the best view of San Miguel de Allende.

Known as the “Heart of México” because it literaly in the center of the contry’s map. This mexican “Pueblo Mágico” (Magic town) is recogniced by the UNESCO since 2008 as an “Intangible Cultural Heritage” and in 2017 it won the aword for “best country of the world” by the american magazine “Travel + Leisure”.

“She’s a dreamer, a doer, a thinker. She sees possibility everywhere.”

When I was 19 years old I went to live there for 1 year, and since then I actualy go a lot. So I´ve seen the way it has changed, how tourism has grown and well I ve lived most of the festive dates and traditions in this Little town. And I got to tell, my favorite time to visit is the day of the death (1, 2 of November) But acutally tourists of México and all over the world start to arive somedays before. I´ve had the opportunity to be at San miguel in this date fot 3 years from now, and I will pick it everytime.

Me as a mexican catrina, I painted lot’s of people for this day and made the really happy :)

Its somenthing out of this world everyone whants to become a human skull, they all want to go to the the catrinas parades, if you visit this town on this date you would be not only at the day of the death, you would live in an other dimension where the deth ones return for 2 days, and the live ones revere this friend of us called Death. If you are not mexican and travel at this date to México, you would acctualy see how united we are, and you will see life, in another prespective. Mexicans always see things beautifully. I can write about the day of the deth like a new bilbe, But this post is dedicated to a beautiful town in Guanajuato, México. So if you whant a whole post about this date, leave your comments below and I would totally make one with lots of pictures and everything.

Parish of “San Miguel Arcangel”

They say it was built upon a mountain of quartz, that’s way everyone that comes say’s they feel happier, new, and better. The vibe in this part of the world is unique. I can tell. You will see a bluish sky upon your head, lots of wildflowers everywhere, feel the fresh air filling your lunghs, and how the sun kisses your soul.

The main place where there are lots of restaurants, coffee shops, stors, Street food like elotes, esquites and icreams of all the flavors you can imagine (like pitaya, passion friut, tuna, coffee, mandarin, cheese…) They are all delicious cajeta is one of my favorites.

Natural pink friut color icream.

At the center you will find one of the most popular baroque parish style arquitecture called “Parroquia de San Miguel Arcangel” inspired by the gothic style of medieval Europe, built by “Don Zeferino Gutiérrez” on 1880. He used pink quarry, and for me it looks so beautiful, it goes pretty well with the sky and at night it looks pretty good like a Disney movie.

Around the street near “Parque Juarez” a beautiful park for taking a walk.

Of course I recomend you to sit in one of the cafes (Starbucks doesn’t count) that are at the same square as the parish, not only because of the amazing view, cause at the sunset you will see and here mariachis playing their songs, you will have the beautiful night sky full of stars, and you will feel like in a movie while you are having a nice cold beer, or a coffee or what ever you like.

One of the restaurants in the same square that the parish.

San Miguel has lots of restaurans to eat, but my favorite one in a really small one called “Lavanda” they only serve breakfast and lunch, but they have this amzing coffee and bread you will cry, so I really recomend it, they have homemade waffles, french toasts, chilaqules, and more delicious plates (those are my favorite) and for coffee there is a latte infused with lavander that is out of this world!

Red chilaquiles in “Lavanda”
Latte infuced with lavander. Im in love with these one.

Something I really enjoy about San Miguel is that there are lots of restaurant/bar roofs. There is this one called “La azotea” that has lots of diferent coctails with mezcal, tequila, gin or whatever you like (even non alcohol beverages so don´t worry)! The best thing is the view. There is this Italian restaurant beside this roof bar, called “Mama mia” that has live music and serves the best pizza. But actually you can find someother opptions if you look around.

An other option woul be “Jardin Rama” I really enjoyed the food and dessert of this pleace, because it creates an atmosphere where you feel at the garden. They serve mexican dishes mostly seafood, but they have other options. Its one of the few restaurants in San Miguel that serves this kind of food, that makes it pretty special! Te sauces are realy tasty and well if you don’t feel like seafood, you can go to “Café Rama” that has other kind of food and has a unique style, full of art, sculptures… It’s a nice place to have only dessert too, they have lots of options.

Colorful inside of Jardin Rama: “Make tacos, not war.”

And this is a must, the churros that they sell in “Margarita Agralia” are a dream come true, so it doesn’t matter if there is a lot of people out there. Just try not to go at the busy hours (breakfast or lunch hour) just go there between those hours and it’s not going to be really crowded, ask for the churros rellenos they have cajeta, nutella, chocolate… Or the original ones with out filling, they are just as good, ande they give them faster. You won´t regret!

An other option for a nice afternoon full of swetnes is “Le petit four” they only make sweet things, so it good the have some coffee or chocolate with a NICE pice of cake, they sell french desserts, like cake (the truffle cake is a good option), truffles, croissants (the one of filled of almonds is on my favorite list) and the hot chocolate is super good.

Hot chocolate, truffa and cheese cake in “Le petit Four”.

And as a good tourist you totaly should go to de mercado de artesanías (art market) my favorite part! It´s divided on 3 sections, and you will find art from lots of parts of México, like Chiapas (clothes, ponpones and bags), Oaxaca (the hand made colorful rugs of Teotitlan del Valle), Huichol art from Nayarit. An well you’ll see the laton hearts of all sizes made in San Miguel de Allende I collect those.

Unfinished laton hearts in the mercado, fresh painted by hand.

Of cource don’t forget to try the typican mexican candy’s there is this store inside the market called “Dulce María José” (like me!) Its the best one because it’s a family store, where you can find lots of mexican Candy made with really ancient recipies, like the tumbagones; Ask the sellers to tell you the story bout them, It’s really funny!

And if you like plants like I do, there is this magical botanical garden called “El Charco del Ingeno” they have lots of species of suculents and cactus is magical! There is a water dam inside so its cool to take a walk and see around, there are lot´s of people that go and make exercie and run in there. You can take breakfast (early) because they have a lot of demand and they run out of the best early. Everything is organic. They have really good juices. I love this place because there are lots of flowers so if you’re lucky you will se bees, rabbits, and lots of birds! (Not pet frendly)

“Charco del Ingenio” beautiful spot.
Magican flower I found. Don´t know the name.

And I just wanted to say, The weather in San Miguel changes a lot so it can be super hot at the day, but SUPER cold at night. So If you’re going to be out all day till night, I recomend yo to take with you a jacket. Of course it depends on the season you visit.

I hope you enjoy your Little must do activities in San Migueld de Allende, I have lots of other recomendations but this post it´s already a Little long so tell me if you would like me to write more about this magic Little mexican town. And I would make it! And if you have questions, you want a hotel recomendation, or if you want to know more about typical mexican dishes to try, just ask me, and I will gladly answer the best I can, as you know I am a Mexican girl!

All pictures are mine you can follow me on Instagram or see more of my photography art at my portfolio.

Thanks for Reading me, XO Majo #Majamexicana




Mexican girl, Healthy lifestyle, Nature lover, Photography, traveler. Instagram: @jesuisbrunette