Life Expectancy increased no matter the GDP increase

Jesus Alfredo Vazquez Cervin
2 min readAug 21, 2022


During 2000 and 2014 the life expectancy in countries like China, México and Germany has increase. This key findings are supported by the data shared by the WHO.

Life expectancy over the time 2000–2014
Life Expectancy over de years

Chile, China, Germany, México, USA and Zimbabwe from Africa have had a sustained growth between the years 2000–2014. The data is solid and show us the increase of the life in all these countries. Also de DGP* has increased over the time.

Whereas the life expectancy has increased in almost all these countries the DGP has not been so much.

The correlation between the GDP and life expectancy could tell us that, if the GDP increase then the life expectancy does as well, but the data are tough and for countries like Chile and Zimbabwe there is an increase in the life but not at the GDP.

Correlation Life Expectancy and GDP
Correlation between life expectancy and GDP

however there have been a sustained increase of the life expectancy for all the countries.

Life expectancy distribution
Life expectancy distribution 2000–2014

