Brad Bird

2 min readAug 11, 2022


Brad bird is a director for both animated and live film

and animations however I am going to focus more about The Incredibles.

Some of his notable films are The Incredibles, The Iron Giant,

Ratatouille and Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol

Most of his work and experience lies in mostly within the realm of animation, and he is known to be one of the directors to bob and weave his way around the concept of the Animation Age Ghetto, due to his work looking aesthetically cartoony, but having a maturity and depth that rivals most live action pieces. One side little fun fact I like about him is that all of his protagonist is an outcast and I feel like that is relatable to some people and it increases sympathy towards the protagonist. I personally like it even though it is considered cliché.

In Mr Incredibles, in his past he was a hero

in the past he and his wife (Elastigirl)

however, all of the heroes are force back into

mundane life. After all super-powered

activities have been banned by the government.

While Mr Incredible loves his wife and kids he

misses his time back in the glory days, one day

he got a chance when he got summoned to an

island to battle an out of control robot. As he

gets in trouble it is up to his family to save him.

The Incredibles 2 was a sequel but a very unique one as I really admire him for not doing a sequel just for the sake of it or a cash grab. He said and I quote ‘There is a saying in the business that I can’t stand , where they go, ‘if you don’t make another one, you are leaving money on the table.’ Its like, money on the table is not what makes me get up in the morning; making something that people are going to enjoy a hundred years from now, that’s what gets me up. So if it were a cash grab, we would not have taken fourteen years — it makes no financial sense to wait this long — it is purely that we had a story to tell.’

In Incredibles 2, the difference in the story is that this time Elastigirl is the hero in the spotlight and bringing back the glory of heroes and making them legal again. What I like about this story is that Brad made this show in the girls perspective and it was quite rare at that time and films like this have a certain impact to normalise things and gain awareness for it. As a working mom and a stay home dad was still not normalise during that time.

All in all I feel like Brad Bird is a great writer and great director.

Even it is in animations, I love the way he tells his stories and how he grows a character. I love how he does not do it just for the money and I can really see his passion in his work.

