DG Ground-mounted Solar PV Market Size is growing at CAGR of 6.7%, this report covers analysis by Market Segmentation, Growth and Forecast 2024 - 2031

Jewel mohr
7 min readJun 22, 2024


What is DG Ground-mounted Solar PV Market?

DG Ground-mounted Solar PV refers to small to mid-sized solar photovoltaic (PV) systems that are installed on the ground rather than rooftops. These systems are typically used to generate electricity for commercial and industrial applications, as well as for utility-scale projects.

The current outlook for the DG Ground-mounted Solar PV Market is positive, with growing adoption of solar energy as a clean and renewable source of power. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.7% during the forecast period (2024 - 2031), driven by factors such as technological advancements in solar PV technology, regulatory changes promoting renewable energy, and increasing focus on sustainability.

Key drivers influencing the market include the declining cost of solar PV systems, government incentives and subsidies for solar energy, and increasing awareness of climate change and environmental issues. However, challenges such as intermittency of solar power, grid integration issues, and competition from other renewable energy sources could hinder market growth.

Overall, the DG Ground-mounted Solar PV Market is poised for substantial growth, with opportunities for expansion in various sectors. Companies operating in this market must stay abreast of technological advancements, regulatory changes, and market trends to capitalize on growth opportunities and maintain a competitive edge.

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Future Outlook and Opportunities of the DG Ground-mounted Solar PV Market

The future outlook of the DG ground-mounted solar PV market looks promising, with several emerging trends indicating strong potential for growth.

One key trend is the increasing adoption of renewable energy sources, driven by the global push towards sustainability and reducing carbon emissions. As governments around the world implement policies and incentives to promote renewable energy, the demand for ground-mounted solar PV systems is expected to rise significantly.

Another trend that is likely to shape the future of the market is the falling costs of solar PV technology. Advances in manufacturing processes and improvements in efficiency have led to a decrease in the cost of solar panels, making them more affordable for consumers and businesses alike. This trend is expected to continue, further driving the adoption of ground-mounted solar PV systems.

As the market grows, there are several potential growth areas that industry stakeholders can focus on. One such area is the development of innovative financing models to make solar PV systems more accessible to a wider range of customers. By offering flexible payment options and lease agreements, companies can attract more customers and increase market penetration.

Additionally, there is a growing opportunity for the integration of energy storage solutions with ground-mounted solar PV systems. By combining solar panels with battery storage technology, users can store excess energy generated during peak sunlight hours and use it during periods of low solar output. This can help improve grid stability and reliability, and further enhance the value of solar PV systems.

Strategic recommendations for industry stakeholders in the DG ground-mounted solar PV market include investing in research and development to drive technological innovation and improve system efficiency. Companies should also focus on expanding their market reach by forming partnerships with other players in the renewable energy sector, such as utilities and energy service providers. Lastly, stakeholders should continue to advocate for supportive policies and incentives at the local, national, and international levels to further accelerate the growth of the market.

Overall, the future outlook for the DG ground-mounted solar PV market is bright, with opportunities for growth and innovation that can drive sustainable development and help mitigate the impacts of climate change. By staying ahead of emerging trends and leveraging strategic partnerships, industry stakeholders can position themselves for success in this rapidly expanding market.

Global DG Ground-mounted Solar PV Market: Segment Analysis

The DG Ground-mounted Solar PV Market Industry Research by Application is segmented into:


Ground-mounted solar PV systems are commonly used in non-residential and residential markets as a cost-effective solution for generating renewable energy. In the non-residential sector, these systems are often installed on large commercial or industrial properties to offset electricity costs and reduce carbon emissions. Similarly, in the residential market, homeowners can benefit from lower energy bills and increased property value by installing ground-mounted solar PV systems. Overall, these applications offer sustainable energy solutions for both business and residential consumers.

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The DG Ground-mounted Solar PV Market Analysis by types is segmented into:

Crystalline SiliconThin Film

The DG ground-mounted solar PV market consists of two main types of technologies: crystalline silicon and thin film. Crystalline silicon panels are made from silicon wafers and are the most common type of solar panel on the market. They offer high efficiency and durability. Thin film panels, on the other hand, are made by depositing a thin layer of photovoltaic material onto a substrate. They are typically more flexible and lightweight than crystalline silicon panels, but may have lower efficiency levels.

Major Key Companies & Market Share Insights

GECanadian SolarFirst SolarSunPowerSharpSolarworldEging PVKyocera SolarGCLJinko SolarTrina SolarJA SolarYingli Green EnergyHanwhaRisenLongi Solar

Among the players in the DG ground-mounted solar PV market, First Solar stands out as one of the leaders in the industry, with a strong market growth and a focus on sustainable energy solutions. The company has seen significant growth in recent years due to their innovative technology and cost-effective solutions. First Solar has also been at the forefront of the latest trends in the industry, such as the integration of solar and battery storage systems.

Another key player in the market is Canadian Solar, which has also experienced substantial growth and market share in recent years. The company has been expanding its presence globally, with a focus on emerging markets and large-scale solar projects. Canadian Solar is known for its high-quality products and competitive pricing, making it a popular choice among customers.

In terms of market size, companies such as Trina Solar, Jinko Solar, and Yingli Green Energy have also made a significant impact on the DG ground-mounted solar PV market. These companies have a strong presence in both domestic and international markets, with a focus on technological innovation and sustainability.

Some of the sales revenue data for these companies are as follows:

- First Solar: $2.2 billion in 2020

- Canadian Solar: $4.7 billion in 2020

- Trina Solar: $4.2 billion in 2020

- Jinko Solar: $5.5 billion in 2020

- Yingli Green Energy: $2.5 billion in 2020

Overall, the DG ground-mounted solar PV market is highly competitive, with several key players vying for market share and driving innovation in the industry. Companies that are able to adapt to the latest trends and provide cost-effective solutions are likely to see continued growth and success in the market.

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Regional Insights

In terms of Region, the DG Ground-mounted Solar PV Market available by Region are:

North America: United States Canada Europe: Germany France U.K. Italy Russia Asia-Pacific: China Japan South Korea India Australia China Taiwan Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Latin America: Mexico Brazil Argentina Korea Colombia Middle East & Africa: Turkey Saudi Arabia UAE Korea

The DG ground-mounted solar PV market is analyzed regionally to understand the trends and growth opportunities in different parts of the world.

In North America, the United States and Canada are the key markets for DG ground-mounted solar PV systems. The growing demand for clean energy and supportive government policies are driving the market in these countries.

In Europe, countries like Germany, France, the U.K., Italy, and Russia are leading the way in implementing DG ground-mounted solar PV projects. The European Union's focus on renewables and carbon reduction targets is boosting the market growth in these countries.

The Asia-Pacific region is a major player in the DG ground-mounted solar PV market, with countries like China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia investing heavily in solar energy projects. The region's rapid economic growth and increasing energy demand are driving the adoption of solar PV technology.

Latin America, including Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia, is also witnessing significant growth in the DG ground-mounted solar PV market. The region's abundant sunlight and favorable regulatory environment are attracting investments in solar energy projects.

In the Middle East & Africa, countries like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Korea are ramping up their solar energy capacity to diversify their energy mix and reduce reliance on fossil fuels. The region's vast solar potential and decreasing costs of solar technology are driving the adoption of DG ground-mounted solar PV systems.

Overall, the DG ground-mounted solar PV market is expanding globally, driven by a combination of factors such as supportive government policies, declining costs of solar technology, and increasing awareness about the benefits of clean energy.

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Consumer Analysis of DG Ground-mounted Solar PV Market

Consumer behavior in the DG ground-mounted Solar PV market is influenced by multiple factors, such as environmental consciousness, financial considerations, government incentives, and technological advancements.

Demographic trends show that younger consumers are increasingly opting for solar energy solutions due to their concern for the environment and sustainability. Additionally, households with higher income levels are more likely to invest in solar PV systems, as they can afford the upfront costs and benefit from long-term energy savings.

Consumer segments in the DG ground-mounted Solar PV market can be divided into residential, commercial, and industrial customers. Residential consumers are often motivated by a desire to reduce their carbon footprint and lower their electricity bills. Commercial and industrial customers, on the other hand, are driven by cost savings, government incentives, and corporate social responsibility.

Factors influencing purchasing decisions in the DG ground-mounted Solar PV market include the cost of the system, reliability and performance of the equipment, installation process, availability of financial incentives, and warranty options. Consumers also consider the reputation of the solar PV provider, as well as the energy output and efficiency of the system.

Overall, consumer behavior in the DG ground-mounted Solar PV market is shaped by a combination of environmental concerns, financial considerations, technological advancements, and government policies. As the market continues to grow and evolve, understanding these factors will be essential for companies to effectively target and engage with their target demographic.

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