What if.

1 min readOct 7, 2016


If tonight I forever go
Would you come knocking at my door?
If I died tonight
Wouldn’t it be too late to arrive?
But come knocking at my door
Leave messages on my phone
For my lifeless body to ignore.
Come knocking at my door
Blow a kiss that I’ve missed
To even start with.
Break in,
Touch my forehead
For I’ve starved for it.
And lie beside my body,
Wrap your arms around me
For the sake of the warmth remaining
And weep
Like you have not wept before.
Don’t call my mama
I wouldn’t want her to know.
Just lie there
Spoon me
Caress my hair.
That will be the last time I shall have been loved
Exactly the way I have read and seen,
Fiction will turn into reality.
Only though I won’t breathe
But my soul will be there to see.
Promise me
That you will come knocking at my door,
Break in, know what I shall have done
And still love me.
Shed tears over my body.
And that will be our only memory
Of being together.
And I shall be
Lifeless but strangely happy
To have met you once.

Hush now, Jewel, and sleep. Long day ahead.

