This is The Story of How My Grandma Became a Lemon

Jey Heintz
2 min readOct 29, 2022


image created by author

“Gloria, darling, I need to ask you a favor”
She told me one day while I was entering labor.
“Of course, my dear granny,
Can you hold to your thought?
I am kind of busy, but it won’t take a lot”.

She said it was urgent, she couldn’t wait longer,
She’d ask me right now or forever it would haunt her.
“What’s bugging you, granny?
Can you wait a bit maybe?
I will be right back once I pop out my baby.”

“It’s the circle of life, dear, it’s closing on me”
She whispered through a smile shining with ecstasy.
“Wait, what are you saying? You’re dying today!?”
I screamed failing to hide my excruciating pain.

She peacefully nodded and gracefully added:
“Yes my time has come
But I will not be gone
If you bury my ashes
In front of this home.
For me your baby to see
Mix my dust with one seed,
And I’ll keep here on living as my favorite tree”.

I started crying in pain,
Tears ran like heavy rain,
She couldn’t leave me this day
With my baby on its way!

“No need to despair,
I’ll always be there,
But I want you to swear:
No apple or peaches,
No orange nor lychees
And surely not pear!
No plums and no cherries
No grapevines or berries
What, figs? Don’t you dare!
And, darling, please no melon.
When times will be ripe
I shall be back as a lemon!”

Her wishes were clear,
I had to adhere.
For her simple request
I did my very best.
With my baby on my chest
I made that seed my daily quest
And now that twenty years have past
We forever are blessed
As we sit in a lemon forest
Filled with her eternal zest.

It’s that time of the year. I know you are thinking about that… About what? Well, of course, about death!

And now that I have you thinking of dear granny’s second life as a lemon, can you imagine if that would be everyone’s second life?

Not becoming a lemon, geez, that would make it for quite a sour world! Pick the plant you want, choose your favorite or the one that is most suited for the place you are going to be buried in.

Can you imagine if cemeteries looked like botanical gardens instead of acres of grave stones? They would be the most peaceful and lively of places. Not to mention the amount of waste you would avoid by going less feet under and free of some polished box that later will have to be disposed anyway.

I understand, it’s that time of the year. I know you like to think about your boxes and tombstones, I don’t want to take that away from you.

Happy Halloween!




Jey Heintz

Italian native, half German, gone to America. I enjoy questioning life as we know it and can't resist a rhyming story.