The Battlefields park & La Citadelle de Québec [ Jan 2017 ]

Heart pirate
5 min readNov 13, 2018


Whether u believe or not about this photo, it extremely true I’d say. Of course, it’s true… Besides, it could be not surprised with local .

Do u know why it is? Cuz it’s common here with snow everyday if it’s heavy or a couple of hrs…

On the ground which changed cuz of the heavy snow or just a bench?

‘The Battlefields Park’

835 Wilfrid-Laurier Ave, Quebec City, QC G1R 2L3

Public meadows & trees covering 103 hectares & site of a 1759 battle between the French & British.

B4 coming up my graduation day, I needed to travel for the last time indeed cuz I didn’t make it to travel urban n some famous cities at least….

The Battlefields Park includes the Plains of Abraham with the nearby and smaller Des Braves park, both within the district of Montcalm in Quebec City, and forms one of the few Canadian national urban parks

U’ve got the different point from me or not? Ya. Again, CA ( no Canada, California ) was again one more ( Captain Aisa Costume) which I’ve got a one on Halloween.

Plz, mind ur steps n here is on the high hill as u see over there bottom even u were in taking selfies with St Lawrence River.

Look at those floating ice-bergs? I’m not pretty sure what it is.

Or just being frozen water? Idk what it was.

As I said previous post, one more time, we can’t feel how cold from the photos as same as we felt in this spot..cuz of so strong windy…

There’s a reason why we chose this city cuz of opened the carnival festival in Winter ( Of course , this country is famous for Winter Sports n any Events as well known ) from this weekend… Old Quebec town has lots of events for tourists during carnival..So check it out the location u want.

‘La Citadelle de Québec’

1 Côte de la Citadelle, Québec, QC G1R 3R2

Complex featuring a long-standing active fort, plus a museum & changing of the guard ceremonies.

Choose sth lots of activities u want here

As well known, the most famous landmark I’m pretty sure which is as a landmark n hotel with beautiful built well…It proved to deserve so much as Old Quebec, eh?

‘Terrasse Dufferin’ is a terrace that wraps around the Château Frontenac in Quebec City towards Citadelle of Quebec, overlooking the St. Lawrence River

‘Rue des Carrières, Québec, QC G1R 5J5’

Built in 1859, this long, popular terrace overlooking the river also offers scenic city views.

Also, it’s famous building cuz it showed once in Korean drama series..but I didn’t know b4 googling

If it was in sunny , of course, which it could be hard, just hope being changed just a moment at least while for taking photo…

Way back on the next place where the other carnival had been opening near by Fairmont Le Château Frontenac..

As an old town n castle with fortress, it would be older than I expected…Since 18th ,right? But..this town looked like just within a hundred probably..( just my private )

If we had much time, we could play ice-skating ( cuz of recording video with this square view ) but we didn’t..

Old Quebec area was here but…to be honest, it doesn’t like old fashion.. some of my dudes could understand why I said like it if they had visited old Quebec city b4.

Such as our previous Montreal trip, we chose the same way cuz of cost, landmark, duration, carnival after googling.

So 2 nights could be enough to travel here like last time… late night on Friday, take the coach then arrive at terminal in the early morning, then as same say when we back.

