Beautiful Games Series : Occlusion Culling

Jonathan Fagan
2 min readJul 24, 2023


Brief Overview on Occlusion Culling

So Now we have a good looking game. But we also need to make sure our game runs smooth when run it. So how do we go about that? One step would be to use occlusion culling. Or in laymen’s terms. Rendering on what the camera see’s.

Since we already have our objects neatly placed in our Hierarchy we can just click our walls, ceilings, floors, focal point, and terminals and use the Static Drop down button and select every option except Contribute GI.

Now lets move on to the hard part. If you can’t find the tab you can find the occlusion culling tab by going to Window -> Rendering -> Occlusion Culling.

Now in the Occlusion Window we’ll go to bake. Click bake and let Unity do it’s thing.

Now if we go to the Scene view and click visualize we’ll see everything that’s not in the camera’s view frustrum isn’t rendered which reduces the amount of thing our game has to draw.

Cool Right? Happy Dev’ing.

