The 10 Warning Signs That Your Relationship May Not Be Healthy

Jennifer Hoffman, LCSW
8 min readFeb 22, 2023

Summary: This post will cover 10 warning signs of a potentially unhealthy relationship, such as feeling unheard or dismissed, not feeling respected, gaslighting, and physical or emotional abuse. The post will help readers take a critical look at their relationships and determine if any of these warning signs are present and if the relationship is worth continuing.

Are you worried that your relationship might not be as healthy as you thought it was? Nearly half of all people in relationships have expressed feeling stuck and not seeing an end in sight.

Relationships are an important part of life. It’s important to pay attention to warning signs and remember that relationships should be based on mutual respect and honesty.

There are times when activities or events indicate that the relationship may not be healthy. In this article, we’ll look at 10 key warning signs that can point to unhealthy dynamics in a relationship. We’ll go over what to look out for and how to begin to foster healthier habits.

You’ll learn how to recognize if your relationship is causing more harm than good, and how to take steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of everyone involved.

Woman reaching back holding hand of partner and looking toward wedding altar
Photo by Alvin Mahmudov on Unsplash

1. Controlling Behavior



Jennifer Hoffman, LCSW

Relationship Coach/Licensed therapist in CT and NY. Helping women navigate relationships. Free e-book >>