Favorite Things Friday: Navage + Alkolol

Jaclyn Hester
2 min readDec 22, 2023

I have waited until today to do all my xmas shopping and have left myself a 2 hour window to do it — will look something like this:

So, instead of a long, thoughtful post, I’m going to share a product that has been a game changer for me and my sinus challenges. Seems like everyone in my world (especially folks with kids) is sick right now with some sort of cold. Seasonal allergies (which I’ve suffered with my entire life) are still at play as it’s still pretty warm in certain places. A few weeks ago our entire household was sick — RSV, strep throat, and colds. I (luckily) only had a cold but was super congested and had a sore throat. My doctor recommended this combo (instead of sudafed or other medicine) and it’s been a GAME CHANGER for me!

The doctor recommended a sinus rinse with saline plus this old school essential oil called Alkalol (include it in the saline solution when you rinse) plus flonase after rinsing.

She recommended a more simple sinus rinse, but I’m obsessed with this thing we already had called the Navage — it’s a nasal irrigation machine. If you get one, you will laugh at how funny it looks when you do it, but I swear it works. I’ve been doing it every morning and sometimes at night. Hot tip: this can also help with snoring. not me, but a guy I know…..

Links below:

As a former lawyer, I must include a disclaimer: I am not a doctor or health provider of any kind and am not giving health advice. You should talk to your doctor before trying any new health regime. I am not in any way affiliated with these products nor do I profit from any sale of them, I just like helping everyone get less snotty!



Jaclyn Hester

Hi, I'm Jaclyn Hester. I'm a mom, VC, and music-lover. I write about venture, startups, and life.