james f thorman
11 min readJan 18, 2017

Youth Board MakeUp and Actions

Everyone Can Take An Issue. But if no other’s take Your’s as One of their own….. Well You may never See the agenda put any where. Form One. (an issue) Find One. (second adoptee)

What can you do if something is more of a plan of you’s and not a plan of the school’s? You the student body inside the school, lots of it’s planned activity occurs freely and easy. Does Planned activities You think on come in occurrence forYou free and easy (if it isn’t) routine and done with the schools administration? In fact What if You asked for something at school that Was Not School Administered!

Put differently. How Can the Student Environment Inside a School System Come as Two Way Interaction in times when Something Out of the Box is Posited (brought) by students? If that thing were self help…….. Out of the box……….. Student Run???? (Dirty form, Administered by who??) How Much Do You Expect the school Can Do For You? Are there Solutions? Do something that may help Your Cause. Some way proceed towards Your ‘point and counter points’ and will arrive in a form that can be on the agenda You seek.

If You the Student Need A way to express Your concerns……whether Your’s about You or A Parent or A school Practice You Have Just Called out an Issue. Give that issue a Name, take Your opinion and develop it. Defend it. Communicate it.

Suppose Your school has no interest in hearing nor doing anything for You to bring light to Your Concerns? The option to first forming a Youth Board comes as a marker for You which You can communicate from.

The reality of the power You may have will depend on first being recognized as being organized. Organized for the purpose of putting thoughts together with the school’s staff, administers, any advocates for You and get on the agenda. These thoughts come from You to them, and from them to You. Being organized means ‘No Small Difference’ is behind Your voice. Means any difference You wish to make is first considered, then prepared in the strongest and efficient manner, from Your Board by the members. Who may be either elected or appointed. Read On.

Below is just one example of an issue. How Your school sees and hears Yours is very dependent on the ways to Your approach. If it Chooses simple avoidance that can become a quick option to stop Your asking for it’s help on which it chooses to avoid, coming out of You. The school may actually prefer that You would prepare these things better ahead of bringing them to them. Rightly So.

Your board is Your vetting process on things that get before Your school. Either in a deparment, or before it’s own Board. Your Board will choose first to listen sincerely to You as an individual. You may want to choose Your issues carefully and prepare Your arguments carefully for them. Since You want them to do the same in their function for You with the school. But know that Your Youth Board members themselves will need to be chosen carefully in the future.

Here is a basic blueprint behind making up a Youth Board inside the high school. A Youth Board provides to the students a way to receive the participation from Your school in issues that the students organize and operate. This will be as close to self administration in Your own issues in the high school environment with the possible support, help, ease…….coming to You.

The difference here between this and school government and it’s officers. Somethings can not make it through student government channels because there is the regular routine. Some things ‘go against’ the grain, against routine. The result there is in more ways than is generally realized, Your school has more to say about Your school government than this style of Youth Board shows. On the question of Administration…this is where I sense more problems become avoided rather than negotiated without a Youth Board set for say special circumstances. Would there develop competition for issues going before a Youth Board or Student Government? You route that in the processes each are created for. See?

There May be Something To Competition that Spreads through The School Experience which is better.

The Youth Board will represent Your Domain, Your Discourse and Your Perview. Call them like You think, anything done today between organizations use these concepts. They recognize and respect those in each. What do those words mean to You?

There are three guiding lines. These will keep the cooperation between Your board and your school. You need only pick Your issue to have focus with. Understand the purpose. It is interaction.

  1. Every document should have a procedure for opening and closing it.
  2. A change in the status of a document should follow Your design on how these changes happen.

While Your board has the requirement on it to copy opening and closing reports to Your school, these insure that the boards’ operating procedures are current and Your school is always updated with Your current Operating Procedures.

. 3. You should not nor should You need to give up Governance, it is Your Board.

  • No written material on opinions on operations can not be changed. You can open closed practices and make changes. You will treat open and closed documents as far as sharing with the school differently.
  • At times Your school may like You to open a closed issue, so a change may not always be the sole idea of the Board. Here the difference is that the school is bringing something to You. You must fully understand what it is they are doing by asking.
  • This means every board member must fully understand the old way as previously voted and the new item coming in the school’s presentation.
  • You must always keep Your Sole Governance. Keep the Administration Yours. Do not reopen voted practices ‘Willy Nilly’. Remember any closed issue has already been deemed closed and the school has a record of Your current status. Therefore Confidence.
  • This means Your Minutes taker/Secretary will provide your school with updates on Your operations. Your school must recognize Changes You do. Any justifications will be understood by You and it. There will be no surprises later on issues that effect both Your board integration with Your School in the known and current practices You follow.
  • Every monthly meeting issues decided as closed, completed should be closed.
  • A senior incoming should be appointed or elected President. The remaining positions whether filled by any grade from freshman through senior can be retained until voluntarily vacated.
  • There should be an odd number of board members to break a tie vote.
  • It Will be good and beneficial to have a retired teacher as a member but his access to the operations and files would not be unlimited.
  • There needs to be by-laws including reasons any member of the board may be involuntarily replaced.
  • A procedure should be reached to release information on the operations or of file content in either open documents and closed documents. If so required by law or on request by the school which recognizes Your organization will follow disclosed and proper procedure.
  • This is about as Un-Administered as You are likely to be, and have any participation. You must have Your procedures well understood and update the school on things as they change. Trying to change always for the better……again those monthly meetings.
  • Remember. One primary purpose for Your school to grant You their participation is so they would not opt to Simply Avoid What You Are About and Doing there, so You must always hold and preserve Your responsibilities for them to be confident in You.
  • The school staff or administration does not have open and unlimited or equal access to Your files. Your Operation is not Administered for You. Hence You have to make inroads on any issue that can come from Your school or from Your Communitys’ Existing Organizations.
  • Sounds important and it is. You will be interacting.
  • There should be two members of the board that cover working with the school psychologist in the process of making public a finished project. There is not going to be many going on at any one time.
  • The president may act as one other capacity but at all times an odd number of members must be active. So the number of board members clearing the public release may get cut to one in a situation where a President isn’t doing double duty. Example. WebMaster/President
  • The members will delegate their duties and on agreement fill the responsibility for those duties.
  • Among the titles are President, Clerk/Secretary, Treasurer/Minutes Taker, Project Review Person(s), WebMaster, Retired Teacher as Your Liaison with the School politics experience. This person is there to help You , not to be in charge. You may need to decide if this person gets a vote. Choose wisely.
  • There should be a monthly meeting.
  • If being a member of the Youth Board turns into a position deemed to be valued at the school by other interested students or for someone’s resumé, an open election should be held inside the school.
  • It is important to use any events taking place with the school’s student body and school participation as an opportunity to keep the integrity of the Youth board’s membership and it’s functions up high.
  • Do nothing that means giving away Your own governance. You should be always able to operate and succeed without being A member, A patient, or a Client with any organization. True also with a student or parent that creates a project from the ground up.
  • Establish any necessary thought process for Your intentions and owe to the fact that Your purpose is in creating Your opinion, Defending Your Opinions and Communicating Your opinion.
  • Having done that and acquiring Your Choices in the process, Your School will recognize and respect a Domain, A Discourse, and Purview You make so for Yourself.
  • Think that this formation of a Youth Board should exist to work through any points Your school determines it’s willingness to participate with You. So as You organize On The Mission Behind Your Intentions give good representation. You will be rewarded.
  • Define Your Mission. Be able to express What Your Reasons for being there are.
  • For others, Keep Your Intentions Good. And Remember Purpose Follows Intent.
  • As You form any procedure do it on paper in writing. Have a lock box to keep Your documents inside. Keep it locked but make the key available to Any member. The lock and key is just ‘figurative’.
  • Be encouraged to edit and update any open topics being planned in the box if You are authoring or proposing something for the board. Know that closed documents can be reopened. This will happen as a result of the monthly meeting.
  • While any piece of any document is still in working stage in the box, anyone inside the school can ask and be shown the piece of work.
  • Your Boards’ profile should be open and at all times willing to provide Your school information but by a designed process. The items closed will have a level of sharing as will be for those that are open. They will be different. You can not so easily move to change a closed practice at the behest of the school.
  • Both reasons to reopen closed documents and sharing either a closed or open document should have a specified level do change the status? In other words something closed has been fully processed, and shared. It deserves a higher ‘character or station’ being so.
  • Think of it as being Your Domain and rightly so since the issues are Yours. Be open to parents doing projects. Not every issue is cut and dried a concern of a student, so parents are going to be involved here as well.
  • Those things done between the Board’s business and the school will be better arranged between the school and Your board through the retired teacher assisting You. With knowledge of school politics…
  • With coordination comes knowledge.
  • The attitude of Your retired teacher should be one as Your advocate, mainly. Not genuinely the school’s partner or advocate. So chose that person wisely.
  • The retired teacher advocate should be a position that has a term limit. The details of how You chose people and terms are for You board members to decide. UnLike the other positions Your teacher advocate could be hard to find…..so if true as found a term limit may be questionable.
  • In truth should any of the positions be deemed interesting perhaps getting new replacements will be easy. The thing to be thinking on is this. A system that works well as new people come and go is better than one that holds on desperately to any operating officer either for his talent or the lack of willing takers.
  • The work that You help provide is based on the practices You design. Your ideas will be Yours, the administration of Your decisions are Yours.
  • Remember this. Because it will not be quick and easy to obtain the help you will need from Your school because of ‘self administration’. Your forming of proposals to the school for their help must be translated on Why it is important and how helping You like so……… is invaluable. This is true for any other thing You may need to ask for, when and if You can not do for Yourself. I stress that, Your plan must be logical and Your communications Logical.
  • Each board member should be able to speak to the reasons For any challenges You may see and are preparing for. It would be possible if You all cooperate as a unit and keep Your objectives energized. Putting every responsibility to who ever is the best at the task. But in the end You sense that every one of the members has had a voice.
  • Getting your board formed says, The students are first comers. Asking the others to listen. And, If You are interested You will enjoy Your roles. Ask Your self if You May ,On What Issues this Board is even needed? That’s the reason!

Someone in a High School said, ‘Hey What You Are Trying to Do Belongs in a College not A High School.’ And that is A bad thing? I guess in that person’s mind Seeking the Voice of high school kids to be on a High School Boards agenda is for some things to be warded away…….until when. When You will be an older ‘Activist or Rebel’?

Ever find something said on School Curriculum in Your Terms? Truth is Students in high school have zero say in any thing about it, as do they with most other programs. The school will let You represent The programs designed by them for You for them. The school system is One Big Performance Measure. The truth is You will participate if You think You will get something You want. If not and the programs are ‘required’, I guess that is not efficient for the programming purposes and their development.

Where Can You Go with something You figure and are in it for Yourself?

Here is My reason for this Article. I am concerned that something can be made inside a high school. Without it as I say here Simple Avoidance will Occur and it is to avoid any better solution that Simple Avoidance goes prevailent. With that choices for You the student about Yourselves is limited. Mainly as a matter of Administration. So what then happens to which ever things You may conduct inside the school deemed for You and by You. You Can get through on Your Opinions, Designs and Interaction with having taken the time to come from a place the school recognizes to Represent You as Your Group, having a bigger Voice. Since nothing worthwhile is simple (but can be elegant though), there will be things You will need for doing along with help from other people, places and things. Those are Nouns I think. And generally Capatilized.

The School may prefer You to Better Prepare You Opinions and Bring them through being organized. Do All that, then see What they Will Be Willing to Do For You. There is a Circle. Do All that then On Future Issues To Be Decided You are There First in Committee, Worked through ‘PreLims’, Are able to sense the ‘Atmosphere’ from having an Advocate who knows the ‘Politics’. Not All is Friendly, Easy and Freely Done.