A new way to rise with Wakey! Wakey! App

Joseph Ganino
3 min readAug 14, 2016


The advent of smart phones, watches and tablets making every body connected, everywhere and at all times means that whether you are asleep or awake, data is being collected and presented in different manners. When people wake up in the mornings, it’s hard enough to get out of bed and get ready let alone the myriad of distractions now presented to them every morning on their smartphones.

A good majority of people wouldn’t leave their homes in the morning without the need to check their social media accounts, emails, weather, traffic reports and transportation schedules.

To better aid use of time in the morning, the Wakey! Wakey! App for Apple’s iOS not only functions as a standard alarm but it also provides information on the lock screen which presents the user with the time it takes to travel on their pre-determined journey in the morning whether it be by car, walking or public transport. The app also gives the user a forecast of the weather that day and the efficiency percentage of their sleep from the night before.

It all started with a storyboard, to describe the problem…

Then developed into a hand drawn prototype…

Upon developing the wireframe and running heuristic evaluations, we found that the app was trying to accomplish a little too much so we removed the social media display from the Lock Screen and concentrated on getting the more important info such as sleep data and traffic alerts to the user as a snapshot when the alarm rings.

We started designing the screens and interactions to develop the app prototype and conduct video testing. The user testing provided valuable insight into what people thought of the app and how they interacted with it. This greatly helped develop the app further to the finished state below…

Wakey! Wakey! App Lock screen gives 3 Snooze buttons, Time to your morning destination, Sleep quality and Weather.

The alarm is simple, you only set one per night, just swipe to set the amount of hours you want to sleep that night and turn the switch to on.

Sleep Screen for setting the Alarm.

While you’re asleep, the phone needs to be positioned on your bed next to your pillow so that the sensors and microphone can analyse your sleeping cycle. This data is then converted into a pie chart showing your sleep quality throughout the night from light sleep to deep sleep in colour coded segments. You can even share the information to your email or social media accounts if required.

Data Analysis Screen shows Sleep Pattern on a Pie Chart.

By setting your Journey before you go to sleep, when the alarm operates in the morning, you will receive a time to get to your destination. This helps the user know whether they will be late to work if the traffic is bad, and that they have time or need to rush to get ready which will help with their time management in the morning.

Journey Screen is your destination for the next day.

The Wakey! Wakey! App will be available soon in the App store.

