End-Of-Year Reading Report (2018 Edition)

Jason Garber
2 min readJan 8, 2019


While it’s been fairly quiet on this here Internet destination, I can assure you I’ve been plenty busy. In keeping with tradition, as I’ve done in the past (here, here, and here), I present to you…

Books I read in 2018

Thematically, this year’s reading list consists of technology and design books and graphic novels — no change there from previous years — with some current events/geopolitics thrown in for good measure. I expect that particular trend to continue into the New Year based on the stacks of unread books laying around.

So that’s what my 2018 looked like! If you’d like to follow my progress in the New Year, you can find me on Goodreads.

This post was originally published on my own site.



Jason Garber

Web developer, musician, photographer, author, and suspect patent holder.