Not Another Lifestyle Blog

Jennifer Ghymn
2 min readFeb 14, 2017


Today I’m launching a lifestyle blog.

Not just any lifestyle blog, an intercultural lifestyle blog. Think Cup of Jo, Love Taza, Bleubird but with an Asian writer offering an intercultural spin on travel, art, food, style.

So, who cares?

Just like all the millions of blogs in cyber space, I like blogs. I follow them for tips on travel, hacks in the kitchen and to find people that fit my groove in life. As they say in marketing “niche”.

There was just one big obvious absence in my search for the perfect “niche” blog. I never came across one with an Asian-American (specifially Korean/Japanese-American) woman. A woman who looked like me and wanted to address all the topics I’m interested in. There are some Asian mommy bloggers out there but that’s not my calling. So I decided to create my own.

I started waking up at 5am to write. I took to keyboard and started banging away on all the things I wanted to say. In the beginning it became very personal. Stories of identity, ethnicity and discovery started emerging.

The more I wrote, the more I realized I had quite a bit to say. Some of it is light-hearted. Some of it emotional or topical. All of it honest and admittedly, a bit exposed and intimate.

I started looking up other Asian-American movers and shakers, not necessarily in the blog world, but who are making a difference for themselves. They are shaping the culture and society we live in now. They are speaking their voice, creating, collaborating and hustling. Groups like Kollaboration, Tofugu, the Asian Arts Initiative of Philly, Potluck Collective, Multicultural Kids blog, Project Include, Cultural Detective, Angry Asian Man blog and Hyphen magazine.

I want to be a part of that movement. I want to speak my GenX (#nevertoolate) mind. So in my own niche way, I’m claiming my own stake in this digital space with a virtual address. I want to foster a dialogue on discovery and diversity and how it fits into daily life.

If I peaked your curiosity at all, check me out at And if this isn’t the blog for you, then there are millions of others to choose from or create your own. Let me know. I may follow you too.

