James Kornegay II
4 min readSep 12, 2017

Three skills you can learn from the Wright Brothers.

The Wright brothers are known for being the creators of the first successful flying machine. On December 17, 1903, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina after after beating his brother Orville in a game of rock papers scissors, Wilbur Wright flew the first aircraft 852 feet in just under one minute. Although this was not the longest flight and it did not even go a quarter of a mile, this was the first time a person was able to fly like a bird through the air. Long before this flight many had tried and failed to fly, but this was the beginning of air travel as we know it today. But what can we learn from these two inventors? Three things that you can learn from the Wright brothers are the two brains are better than one, you can’t be afraid to fail, and above all you must be determined to accomplish your goal.


The Wright brothers had been in business together long before they worked together to build the first airplane. Their teamwork started as they opened up a printing business after building their own printing press. They soon decided that they could be more successful if they got into the business of building bicycles. From bicycles they moved to building the airplane and this is why we know their name today. But, without each other they might have failed at designing a working airplane. Working in a team is a vital part of any good project. Whether it be trying to find the cure for cancer, or how to sell a new flavor of potato chip, multiple people are more likely to be able to find the solution than if one person tries to tackle the problem alone. So, the first thing you can learn from the Wright brothers is teamwork makes the dream work.


The next thing that you can learn from the Wright brothers is failure is not a bad thing. Although failure is seen as a bad thing, it is not as bad as you think. When designing the airplane the Wright brothers probably used the design thinking process. Part of this process is creating your ideas and making prototypes of these ides. During this process it is inevitable that you will come up with some solutions that do not work. But, this does not mean that you should give up, this just simply means that you need to use what you learned from your failed attempt and use it to come up with a better idea. When the Wright brothers were creating the airplane they did not come up with the perfect idea on their first try, they learned through trail and error. This is something we can do as well . As we work to solve problems we should not let failure halt our progress, rather we should use our failure as a kindle to the fire that burns inside of us making us strive for success.


The final thing that we can learn from the Wight brothers is that it takes determination to succeed. If you were to ask me to describe the Wright brothers in one word it would be determined. Even before they set out to design the first airplane they were determined to succeed. They first showed this characteristic when they made their own printing press to be able to open up a printing business. They then showed their determination by creating their own bicycle. Then to top off all of their prior accomplishments they created the first airplane. They fault through their failures and their struggles to be known as the creators of the first airplane. We should show this determination in all that we do. As we struggle to find solutions to our problems we should never give up because we know that the answer may be right around the corner.


Now that you have this information it is your turn to do something great. Work as a team, use your failures to find a solution, and always stay determined to be the best you can be and one day you will build your airplane.