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Behind the Desk is More Interesting…

Greg McVerry
2 min readMay 22, 2017

Everyone loves to share images of their “set-up.”

I don’t really care. The images of dual monitors, scrum boards, laptops of digital nomads, or the latest standing desk mean nothing.

I want to know what happens beyond the desk rather than look at tools of the trade and reinforced privilege manifested in hardware.

I want to know what happens beyond your set up. Where does life happen around the office because you workspace doesn’t represent your life’s work?

We use my office as both a pre-school and a laundry room. While it may hurt my productivity having my four year old join me makes up for lost time.

My office also doubles as a youth hostel where you can grab a few hours of shut eye and not find yourself alone in your room. Management gives up the best beds in the room and will even sleep on the floor until you close your eyes.

Co-working and sleeping space liven up the place.

Collectively we should move beyond just celebrating the places we work and instead embrace and share the spaces we live.



Greg McVerry

I am a researcher and teacher educator at Southern Connecticut State University. Focus on literacy and technology.